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New to Dupuytren~sq~s
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03/21/2002 23:27
Gary Evans

not registered

03/21/2002 23:27
Gary Evans

not registered

New to Dupuytren~sq~s

There is a great amount of information about DC. Most all seems very helpful. Read the messages on this board. DC is not fully understood by professionals or laymen. My DC with "dermal pits" (like a callous) and contraction has not caused any pain. Those with nodules often complain about pain. Read website at :

Surgery/no surgery is one of the most discussed topics. The general consensus seems to be to not have surgery until there is a problem with contraction and the inability to do normal things that you would like. Often it is felt that unnecessary surgery can trigger more DC. You will also find that there is much discussion about having a fasciectomy, a fasciotomy or needle aponevrotomy.
I had a fasciectomy two months ago and I am completely satisfied with the procedure. I have been playing golf again the last two weeks. Others would prefer not to have this procedure. The primary concern is recurrance. It seems that no two patients react the same, both in having DC and post surgery results.
Good luck.

03/21/2002 23:41
Lisa W.

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03/21/2002 23:41
Lisa W.

not registered

diabetes and dupuytren~sq~s

I was just told today that the nodule in the palm of my right hand is Dupuytrens Disease by an orthopedic hand surgeon. I am 39 years old and diabetic for the past 13 years. I have not been able to confirm family history of the disease yet, but I am making calls. I do not want to wait until my hand draws into my palm, but on the other hand, I am not sure about surgery, It seems to be pretty involved.
I not only have a nodule, but I also have the "pit", I also have pain. These together do not appear to be normal, either you have one or the other. ?? Has any one had surgery in the "early stage" before the fingers draw inward? I would like to know if it was beneficial or not.
Lisa W.

04/23/2002 23:51
barry williams

not registered

04/23/2002 23:51
barry williams

not registered


Garry would you please like to tell us what treatment you had as i am not familiar with the word fasiectomy.
thanks for your help.

04/23/2002 23:16
Gary Evans

not registered

04/23/2002 23:16
Gary Evans

not registered

New to Dupuytren

Explanation and diagram of fasciectomy is at:
Explanation of procedure is much more severe than my experience, however. I was driving after three days. I just had a soft wrap after surgery. Playing golf in 50 days.
Let me know if any questions.

04/23/2002 23:22
Gary Evans

not registered

04/23/2002 23:22
Gary Evans

not registered

Connection between DC and Hemochromotosis???

Another website:

05/01/2002 23:18
05/01/2002 23:18
Connection between DC and Hemochromotosis???

Hello all,
I am a new poster who's father had surgery for Dupuytren's Disease about 10 years ago. I'm wondering if there is a connection between DC and Hereditary Hemochromotosis(iron overload)? My brother's and myself have all been diagnosed with HH. We each have two alleles; c282y/c282y Homozygote, which means each of my parents were carriers and passed them on to us. From what I've read on DC(and that's not much so far)researcher suspect a genetic basis and I almost fell off my chair when I read it affects mainly people of Celtic origins...just as hemochromotosis does! Can anyone steer me to some links or abstracts entertaining this idea? It looks like my 49 year old brother may be looking down the road at hand surgery. :o( Any info or opinions would be greatly appreciated. You all have a nice message board here. Thanks so much, Pam

05/01/2002 23:45

not registered

05/01/2002 23:45

not registered

Connection between DC and Hemochromotosis

In contradiction with what most people tell you (and what I thought myself for a long time) it might be better not to read too much about dc.
All the different info you find just makes everything more complicated :)
No two cases seem to be alike.

05/01/2002 23:07
Gary Evans

not registered

05/01/2002 23:07
Gary Evans

not registered

New to Dupuytren~sq~s

If you haven't already checked this website, it would be interesting to do so:

It discusses the Viking connection.

05/02/2002 23:21
05/02/2002 23:21
DC and HH

Gary and Eddie,
Thanks so much for your comments regarding my post. I think I need to be informed as much as possible as DC may be in my families future. I have had to fight with my hemotologist over the protocol of treatments and the only thing that saved me was knowing everything I could about the disease. There is a paucity of information out there about both of these conditions, but I'll keep looking until I know more than the doctors.
Thanks again, Pam in California

05/07/2002 23:46
05/07/2002 23:46
Surgery for DePuytren~sq~s

I was, just this morning, diagnosed with DC in both hands. I am totally new to the condition and this particular doctor advises that surgery is the only reliable treatment and recommends that I make the decision very soon. I have, within the past two months, developed contracture of about 15 degrees from full extension in both ring and middle fingers of my left hand. I don't know if this is rapid or normal. Right hand has a node in palm but no measurable contracture. Any advise apprreciated.

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