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New to Dupuytren~sq~s
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05/07/2002 23:18
Gary Evans

not registered

05/07/2002 23:18
Gary Evans

not registered

New to Dupuytren~sq~s

I would not get in a hurry about surgery. As many will tell you, the decision usually comes when you no longer are willing to accept the inconvenience of DC. My Dr. advised against surgery if I could live with DC. It is different for each person. I have many friends who have between 0 and 20 degrees contracture and are willing to live with it for life. They tell me it has been at that level for many years (10 - 20). My surgeon told me that he usually doesn't operate until 40 - 50 degrees.
I had DC for about 8 yrs. with no contraction, and then went 0 to 90 degrees in about a year. I was fine with DC until about 40 degrees but contraction didn't stop. I had surgery, and hand is now normal.

Read all of these messages and you will get all kinds of opinions. I will be your call.

Good luck,

10/10/2002 23:58

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10/10/2002 23:58

not registered

diagnosed yesterday

Yesterday a hand surgeon asked about my family origins, then said he could tell I'm of Celtic ancestry because of my hands - I have Dupuytren's Disease, noticeable in both palms and a nodule in my right hand. I was there for something else, and Dupuytren's doesn't bother me right now, but I want to know about it.

Merck's etc. say Dupuytren's mainly affects men who are alcoholic, diabetic or epileptic - not me. I'm 53, I gather the age at diagnosis is typical. The study at http://www.ccmbel.org/Chap9.html mentions the possible link with Viking ancestry (which I probably have, given my family's places of origin), but notes that less than a third of patients know of a family history of the disease.... I'm thinking that other family members may also have had it without serious inconvenience.

I read at http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/cond/C627705.html that Vitamin E has no proven benefit. I wonder if others are doing anything particular to look after their hands?


10/12/2002 23:53

not registered

10/12/2002 23:53

not registered

New to Dupuytren~sq~s

Be cautious of a medical establishment that has a 19th century mentality. There is something terribly wrong with an inflexible & intolerant medical system. There is nothing but horror stories as a result of surgery done in the U.S.
You should go to France, Switzerland or Belgium for NA. There is a list of practitioners available at http://jvm.com/wstagner/dadr.txt
They will treat you right.

11/14/2002 23:32

not registered

11/14/2002 23:32

not registered

Age at diagnosis

Hi all, my eight year old was diagnosed today with Dupuytren Disease. His little finger on left hand can no longer straighten and a chord can be felt in the palm. His great grandfather and two great uncles where diagnosed in their 50/60's. Has anyone else here been diagnosed so young or know of anyone who has? I would like to get an idea of what he may be looking at long term.

11/15/2002 23:13
11/15/2002 23:13
Juvenile D/C


Try the following site that may contain the information you are seeking.

11/15/2002 23:14
11/15/2002 23:14


Missed the site:


11/16/2002 23:09

not registered

11/16/2002 23:09

not registered


Thank you for the info. We are trying to find out as much as we can about Dupuytrens. Every little bit helps.


11/19/2002 23:52
11/19/2002 23:52

I am 62 year old caucasian, hobbies included white finger activities. No family history of DS. I have 3 pits 2 nodules LH and 3 pits 1 noodule RH about 30 degrees contracture. 2 noodules left foot. All developed within 3 years. Not yet disunctional but in minor pain. Is there an alternative to the UK NHS wait until you cannot function syndrome. Or is early treatment not advised?

11/19/2002 23:53
11/19/2002 23:53

I am 62 year old caucasian, hobbies included white finger activities. No family history of DS. I have 3 pits 2 nodules LH and 3 pits 1 noodule RH about 30 degrees contracture. 2 nodules left foot. All developed within 3 years. Not yet disunctional but in minor pain. Is there an alternative to the UK NHS wait until you cannot function syndrome. Or is early treatment not advised?

11/19/2002 23:54
11/19/2002 23:54

I am 62 year old caucasian, hobbies included white finger activities. No family history of DS. I have 3 pits 2 nodules LH and 3 pits 1 nodule RH about 30 degrees contracture. 2 nodules left foot. All developed within 3 years. Not yet disunctional but in minor pain. Is there an alternative to the UK NHS wait until you cannot function syndrome. Or is early treatment not advised?

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