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Orthopedic Surgeon Right place to be going?
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03/05/2004 23:23
03/05/2004 23:23
Orthopedic Surgeon Right place to be going?

Again my name is Eddie and i went to the doctor complainging of a two deformed fingers and pain in my hand.

The fingers that are deformed are the right hand pinkie and ring finger. I had been told by a someone that it is a case of Dupitrons and the doctor seemed to agree with what i had told her.

She told me that i need to go to the Orthopedic surgeon in the hospital and that is what i am going to do. The pain in my two effected fingers seems to be getting worse and the tendon my my palm is so thick i can nearly play it like a guitar.

I was hoping someone could tell me if i am going to the right place to get this dealt with.

Warm and Kind regards Eddie.

If you feal uncomfortable posting here you can email me.
I really need some replys on this one.

03/06/2004 23:21

not registered

03/06/2004 23:21

not registered

Read other posts..


There are a lot of posts about NA, give them a read before opting for surgery.

Good luck

03/06/2004 23:41
03/06/2004 23:41
My advice


Study all information available on this, and other sites, specific to Needle Aponevrotomy. Contact Dr. Charles Eaton (561-746-7686) of Jupiter, Florida at your earliest convenience to schedule a conference call.

Do yourself an everlasting favor by not opting for conventional surgery.

03/07/2004 23:14
03/07/2004 23:14

Heya all,
Thanks for your numerous replys it is really helping me decide on what to do.
I have the visit with the Orthopedic surgeon this Thursday and i will hopefully tell you the outcome of events. This is going to be my first appointment with him so i expect little to be done but discussing surgery dates.

I really dont want to opt for surgery but if the needle surgery is not available here in ireland it looks like i will have to go for it. I would not be able to afford the trip to france or florida to get this done. So my only option may be conventional surgery.

This Wedensday i am going to give blood is this a bad idea before i go to the Hospitl? or will it be fine?

Again thank you all for your more than frequent replys.

Regards Eddie

03/07/2004 23:32
03/07/2004 23:32


Are you sure that it will be that expensive to get from Ireland to Paris? I don't know which part of Ireland you are from, but there are lots of budget airlines these days and if you get a really early morning flight, then I am sure you could go there, have the treatment and come back the same day. I think if there is any possible way you can get yourself to Paris, it will be well worthwhile. Believe me, having experienced both surgery and NA, I would go for NA every time.

I must admit Florida sounds a great option; I have been there on a few holidays, and what a wonderful place it is! A shame it is expensive to get there as Dr Eaton sounds absolutely wonderful and totally committed to his patients.

Good luck!

03/07/2004 23:56
Eddie (2?)

not registered

03/07/2004 23:56
Eddie (2?)

not registered

Money ....

If you think a trip to Paris or Florida would be too expensive ....
According to http://www.dupuytren.org/wwwboard/messages/1950.html , there is a qualified doctor in Charleroi, Belgium.
There are RyanAir flights directly from Dublin to Charleroi (=Brussels South).
Maybe you want to consider this.

03/07/2004 23:20

not registered

03/07/2004 23:20

not registered

Money ....

Heya again.
Well the thing is i live alone and do not have a stable income to pay for the NA or the trip to Paris. Belgium would also cause the same problems.

I have a medical card which i do not think will cover the flights to Paris or Belgium to fix my hand.

Again i have the Orthopiedic meeting this thursday on which i will be given the option on what i am to do.

It is getting to a stage where i need tjos dealt with ASAP it is interfearing in my life to much.

Again i cant thank you enough for your support and hope you can give me a reply as soon as you can.

03/07/2004 23:23
03/07/2004 23:23
Money ....

Forgot to say im in my final year in school... :) so money income is only from the state. No family to help me as i was abandoned as a child.

03/07/2004 23:57
Randy H.

not registered

03/07/2004 23:57
Randy H.

not registered

Money ....


Here is what the Surgeon will likely say:

A) NA? What's that? Surgery is the only proven approach to deal with Dups.

B) Yes, I've hear about NA......But..... Surgery is the only proven approach to deal with Dups.

What we have here is essentially Broken Record syndrome. If you can't afford to travel for NA and your health coverage will cover surgery, then do the surgery. Thousands have before you. You'll live. It's not the end of the world. However, I've had one surgery, so if I were in your shoes I'd stop at nothing to get to Paris or Belgium.

God Speed


03/07/2004 23:46
jim h

not registered

03/07/2004 23:46
jim h

not registered

Money ....

Eddie, it's probably disconcerting to be getting advice from a bunch of highly opinionated strangers who aren't medical professionals. However, in this case I feel obligated to speak up.

I've had 2 surgeries and although they were somewhat successfull, they take a toll. Even if the surgery is flawless, there is no nerve damage and you heal well, each surgery reduces the likelyhood of the next one being as successfull due to the buildup of internal scar tissue - also making NA more difficult in the future.

At your age, consider the possibility that you'll be dealing with recurrence at some intervals (hopefully long) throughout your life. With better, less invasive treatments already available or on the horizon, I advise not having surgery unless you have no alternative and are seriously handicapped by the DC.

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