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Orthopedic Surgeon Right place to be going?
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03/08/2004 23:36
03/08/2004 23:36
Money ....

Heya again,
I see what you are saying about the surgery. If i am to get it done it may or will have long term effects.. The only problem that i face is that i would not be able to afford the trip and the NA treatment due to lack of funds. My health service will gladly pay for the surgery but im not sure if me being at such a young age should opt for this.

I read alot of posts on the forum here and people have had great outcomes. Maybe because im so young it would work out good for me?

Im truly terrified about the whole thing and if it was up to me i would just leave it alone. But because it effects my work (works with computers) I may have no other choice but to get it fixed.

I wil keep you posted on any event that may arise before thursday. And i would like to hear from you guys aswell :).

Regards Eddie

03/08/2004 23:42

not registered

03/08/2004 23:42

not registered

Money ....

I rarely say this...but...what about a donation from your local church? Kiwanis club? Optimist Club? or a little from all of them? Start looking for groups that fund such things. People buy other people wheelchairs...devices...etc.... go to one of your local charitable organizations with information printed from this and the french website, and explain the situation. Maybe even a letter from the surgeon stating this would be the best option (after you have educated them).

Better yet....Eddie...How much do you figure it would cost? Some of us here might even be willing to kick in some money for your expenses...we could send it to the doctors in France if they would be willing to handle it.

What do you say? Ireland is not that far from France...what do you figure it would cost to get there? You're young so you could stay at a hostel...start figuring out the cost...then let us posters decide if we can come up with the money.

To get a rough estimate for the cost from the doctors in France you would have to send an email of your hands....


Airfare = ?
Hostel for three days =?
Food for three days =?


03/08/2004 23:07

not registered

03/08/2004 23:07

not registered

Putting my money where my mouth is..

Wait a sec...I just realized that one of posts below says you could do it in a one day turn-a-round. That lowers the overall costs significantly...so...I'll put my money where my mouth is. I'll send $100 US to the doctor of your choice to cover the costs.

Any other takers?

03/08/2004 23:21
Don Westin

not registered

03/08/2004 23:21
Don Westin

not registered


I might kick in...let's see the cost first

03/08/2004 23:25
03/08/2004 23:25
Let~sq~s Do It!

Wow anon you are willing to make that sacrifice for me. Thats is truely amazing i cant be more apreciative of your offer.

I am having my consultation this thursday and i will be able to get back to you on what the outcome is.

Again the support that you are offering is truely amazing thanks so much mate.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards Eddie

03/08/2004 23:31
Randy H.

not registered

03/08/2004 23:31
Randy H.

not registered

Let~sq~s Do It!

I'm in as well. If enough of us kick in $100 USD we can get this done. It would be worth it to read his post when Eddie returns with a hand that works!

03/08/2004 23:54
03/08/2004 23:54
Guestimate of costs

Wow this is totaly amazing.
What you are offering me is something i would never have dreamed of happening.

My consultant will be telling me what i should be doing on this thursday.

Hope to hear from you wonderfull lot soon.

Eddie :)

03/08/2004 23:23

not registered

03/08/2004 23:23

not registered

Guestimate of costs

Hi Eddie,

I figure the costs will look something like this:

Airfare: $350.
NA : $1000.
Buses back and forth: $200.
Guestimate ----------------> $1,550.

1st @ 2cnd confirmed donations - $200.
$ 1,350

Anyone disagree????

We will require a better estimate then this.

1) You need to compare the costs of travel from Ireland to Paris vs Brussels - not just airfare - costs of busses etc... then post the cheapest for us to look at.

2) Email photos of your hands to doctor in the country
that is cheapest to get to and ask them:

a) if they can work on your hands,
b) could you have an estimate,
c) if they would consider being part of this type
of cash-in-advance payment that would come
in the form of multiple sources(us) over a
period of time. That the work would not be
done until there was enough to pay for it.

3) Consider asking an experienced adult to help
you do these things. Your family doctor? The orthopedic surgeon? Priest? Minister? Teacher? Guidance Councellor? Case Worker?

4) We posters would probably like to see a confirmation letter sent from your orthopedic surgeon or family doctor to the NA doctor to confirm that you are a student. :-) For all we really know....you could be some crackpot sitting in a giant clown suit!

Hahahaha Talk to you later


03/09/2004 23:09
03/09/2004 23:09

I am in as well for $100 as soon as I see what the cost will be and how we are going to do this

03/09/2004 23:04

not registered

03/09/2004 23:04

not registered

Total Donations todate

Hi All,

Patty $100
Randy $100
Anon $100
Kirsten $ of treatment by Dr. L
Charlie Unknown
Don Weston Unknown.

Wow, this is amazing. Eddie has to see his Orthopedic Surgeon on Thursday, and we have to see how much everything would cost before any final decisions are made.

Cheers to all. Anon

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