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Orthopedic Surgeon Right place to be going?
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03/13/2004 23:03
03/13/2004 23:03
Pictures to Dr. Eaton

Have not received any more mail from Dr. Eatons office yet.

I was told by someone on this forum to send pictures to Dr. Eaton and when i found a camera i did so.

It took some time to get a reply but it seems that he got back to me.

I am awaiting another email. And i will get back to you as soon as i can.

thanks again


03/14/2004 23:22
George Barbarow

not registered

03/14/2004 23:22
George Barbarow

not registered


Inasmuch as both Dr J.L. Lermusiiaux and Dr. Eaton are aware of and interested in this thread; in my humble opinion, there are very practical considerations that should be examined.
We do not know if Eddie has ever been out of Ireland, or even on an airliner before.
A flight to Paris would be non-stop & about two hours.
For him to get to Jupiter Florida would require a change of planes at either Chicago or Atlanta and the total trip would take about seventeen hours.
From a very practical standpoint, the Paris option seems the most sensible.

03/14/2004 23:14

not registered

03/14/2004 23:14

not registered


I have Eddie on my MSN instant messanger now. He and I talked today. I am very concerned. He has progressd very quickly. Also, I am concerned that he now has a cord going to the thumb. That is very unusual. Also, that all of this has happened in such a short period of time and at this age. He has a condition that is going off like a rocket. And, not just with the couple of fingers. It is going to all of his fingers. And, it is doing it in a rapid form. I am concerned, that this disease has a new form. I am concerned also , for Ed. Big time. I am concerned for all of us, as, if that means it can take over the whole hand, then, we need to set up, a foundation, and make this disease known to the public, as , no one knows about it. When I was diagnosed 2 months ago, I never even heard about this disease. Let's get it out there. People like Eddie, need our help. What can we do, to get this out there, and make this disease known? We need to have donations for people that cannot do it, and go for the butcher surgery as an alternative. If Eddie has this in all of his hands, no one trip to France is going to be the difference, He needs to be there for a week, for what he has now, and be abbe to go back for the rest of it.
God Bless, Patty

03/14/2004 23:00

not registered

03/14/2004 23:00

not registered


Eddie has told me, the only place he ever has been outside of Ireland, is France. No where else.

03/15/2004 23:15
03/15/2004 23:15

Heya all,
At the rate that mine seems to be growing is very worrying for me. My left thumb which is my writing hand has gotten a Cord running up it. It took about 2 weeks to form and is still growing as i can feel it.

The only place i went to was France but we only went on a day trip to Disney land. (Was deadly) :D

the progress in which my right hand is moving is that the cord/band running from the palm, The sensations in my fingers are telling me that it is still growing in my right hand and at an alarming rate.

I do not know much about the desias but what i do know is that it seems to have grown on my very fast.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Warm regards Eddie.

P.S do something Paddy's day ;)

03/15/2004 23:28

not registered

03/15/2004 23:28

not registered


Well said George. D/C is a life long problem, often requiring repetative treatments throughout ones life.

Paris is the closest, least expensive, the least difficult for Eddie to get to, and Dr. L could become Eddies regular doctor - tracking this disease as Eddie ages. There will come a time when Eddie becomes a regular wage earner, so he could financially plan for visits to France. The whole DC thing could really become quite a small part in Eddies life, if handled properly.

Seeing Dr. Eaton in Jupiter would be fun for Eddie as a one time opportunity, and Dr. Eaton may be curious to see DC in someone so young, but realistically, traveling to Jupiter on a regular basis is not practical. To expensive, to far.

Now Eddie, stop worrying about your hands. As I said in my email, my 83 year old mother-in-law first noticed her DC when she was 24. She never had treatment, and her bent left pinkie never gave her a problem throughout her long life.


03/15/2004 23:30

not registered

03/15/2004 23:30

not registered

DC in thumb


My husband has DC in his thumb and so does one of his buddies...it's no big deal.

03/21/2004 23:04

not registered

03/21/2004 23:04

not registered

Mr. Gave Up

You people are just not to be believed. It appears that none of you have done any research on this disease, but everyone sounds as if you are an expert.

PLEASE read the postings and then learn before you go off half cocked in the wrong direction.

You are enough to make a sane person cry.

03/21/2004 23:12

not registered

03/21/2004 23:12

not registered

Mr. Gave Up

Well, Mr. Expertise, tell us All about , all of your vast knowledge of this. You seem to know more than the rest of us, so enlighten us all with your profound knowledge. You are Mr. Gave Up. Where does all your profound knowledge come from? Clue all of us in, Please. Let's hear about your background, and your resurch. Please enlight our stupidity. I think, most of us, are here to learn... Seems you have all of the answers. Please enlighten us all with your profound knowledge of the subject. Seems you seem to know more than anyone else on here, so please enlight our lives with your knowledge. Hey, give us all a break, we are learning here. That is what this Forum is about. If you know more about it all, let's hear your expertise. I think, a whole lot of us, know more than you give credit for. Not a nice thing to say, to people in here, hurting, and looking for answers, and help. Please just give help, and answers, not critical statements of our ignorance. Maybe, you don't know as much as you think you know. Who have you been to? What is your background? Who is your doctor? Don't come in and critisize us. When we all need to have support. Who are you, to throw stones at everyone?

03/22/2004 23:18

not registered

03/22/2004 23:18

not registered

Don~sq~t like the mocking,

Patty, people around here are raw, be respectful. Anon

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