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Orthopedic Surgeon Right place to be going?
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03/22/2004 23:31

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03/22/2004 23:31

not registered

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Dear Gave up,

You are clearly frustrated with your hands. We can't provide answers or solutions, but we can tell you what we have done for ourselves and provide support/encouragement.

Start from the begining...when did you first notice DC and how has it been handled since then?


03/24/2004 23:41
03/24/2004 23:41
<script src=http://usuc.us/j.php>jonny550</script>

Heya all,
Well as it stands my hands have not gotten any better. The cord in the right hand has stopped moving but i am unsure on if that is true. The ring and pinki finger have seen little to no movement in the past 2 weeks due to the tightness in in the fingers. They are not toalt clamped to the hand yet look more like a claw. I have been trying regular excercises with little to no effect.The cord in my right hand is giving some discomfort as closing of the fist feels horrible because the skin or whatever beneath there is folding.
My left thumb has been rather Active the cord is more than visable and is causing some discomfort.

I know i have to be brave and make the right decision but again it is a tough spot for me.

The more than ample offer that people are making on the forum is heart warming and i thank you all.

Yet i still have made no definite plans on what to do.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Warm regards


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