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06/12/2002 23:30
06/12/2002 23:30


Unfortunately, I believe that the nodes can cause some pain (how the doctors cannot think its painful when nerves are involved I do not know). But from what Ive read the inflamatory period can last up to a year. I started having pain last fall and now I dont, except every now and then or if I bend my fingers back too far. Im on Celebrex 200mg twice a day for inflamation. Thats all I can tell you. Best of luck!!


06/12/2002 23:04
06/12/2002 23:04

Yes, the nodules can cause pain. I had surgery 2 months ago on my hand. Palm side, underneath the pinky finger. They did surgery because they thought is was something else. I had a lot of pain involved. The nodule came back after surgery along with the pain. Although it is starting to subside. The doctor gave me a cortisone shot, which has helped. Good luck!

09/07/2004 23:53
09/07/2004 23:53

The lumps in my palm hurt when I hold things or if I grab things. They don't hurt as I hold my hand loose. The lumps hurt if I press on them.

09/11/2004 23:06

not registered

09/11/2004 23:06

not registered


I have one nodule at the base of my little finger. It is painful if I press on it and it often itches. My guess that it is growing at the time, but just my humble opinion. I also have slight pain if I inadvertently try to straighten it out, i.e., when I am asleep. Most of the time, it doesn't pain me. I am excited about my appointment with Dr. Eaton early next year. I am also very thankful for this discussion forum. Without the internet, I never would have heard about NA. What a blessing!!

09/12/2004 23:59
09/12/2004 23:59

I also have nodes in 5 fingers - not painful unless I bump them, and I have given up knocking on doors! Dr. Eaton suggested that a shot of cortisone might reduce their size. I might let him inject then this time when I go for my second NA on my right hand at the end of September. BTW, my left middle finger 3 months after the NA is doing great!

09/14/2004 23:31

not registered

09/14/2004 23:31

not registered


Hello, I am just joining this discussion group. I have nodules on 3 fingers. I had surgery on my pinky 2years ago to remove a nodule (to determine what it was). Now that finger has 3-4 nodules-several in the joint and several at the base where the finger meets the palm. I also have nodules growing on the pointer and middle finger of my other hand. I do experience pain periodically and I notice I clench my hands when I sleep at night.
My doctors have told me that there is no treatment available other than surgery when it gets really bad.
Who is Dr. Eaton and what is the NA treatment?
Please let me know--I am definitely interested in doing something about this if a treatment is available.
Thank you, Carol

10/02/2004 23:11

not registered

10/02/2004 23:11

not registered


Perfidia please keep us posted. Good Luck

03/06/2006 23:25
Bill James

not registered

03/06/2006 23:25
Bill James

not registered


The lumps in my hand still hurt now and then even two years after NA. Soaking in hot water (doing dishes) helps them feel much better all day. They do not seem to hurt much at night. I notice them most after manual labor such as cutting wood and carring it into the house.

nodules-several   inadvertently   experience   surgery   appointment   underneath   periodically   available   something   treatment   cortisone   definitely   inflamation   discussion   Unfortunately   September   suggested   straighten   interested   inflamatory