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Pain in thumb joint
12/09/2002 23:11
David Brewer

not registered

12/09/2002 23:11
David Brewer

not registered

Pain in thumb joint

've had DC for roughly 4 years. I don't have any "curling" symptoms, just a lump with a little stiffness. In the same hand, the lower joint in my thumb has been aching a lot for the past several months. At first I thought I had jammed it, but the pain has persisted for too long. It feels like it might be arthritic. I'm wondering if it is associated with my DC. Has anyone else experienced this? Or, can does anyone have information on the possible relationship to DC?

06/14/2006 23:30
Rosemarie Hanson

not registered

06/14/2006 23:30
Rosemarie Hanson

not registered


My left thumb is popping in and out continually in the first and second joints. It hurts when pressing like pressing to open a screen door knob. This does not seem like arthritis. It's quite painful at different times. I have not injured it.

persisted   different   thought   arthritis   continually   curling   painful   several   roughly   stiffness   wondering   experienced   possible   injured   relationship   pressing   arthritic   associated   symptoms   information