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Physical Theropy
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04/07/1999 23:45
04/07/1999 23:45
Physical Theropy

I'm 46 and diagnosed with Dupuytren's in my middle finger on both hands. It started in my right hand and then moved to my left hand. Now the right hand is barely effected but the left is stiff and painful. I like to play golf and this is not manageable currently. I found that using bar bells and curling my fingers open and closed each day seemed to help but my doctor said this was a bad idea and would cause the condition to get worse. I want a second oppinion... I wnat to play golf.

06/14/1999 23:46
Earl Thomas

not registered

06/14/1999 23:46
Earl Thomas

not registered

Looking for the same answers ....

I just found this forum and hoped to find some answers. I'm 49 and active. I also recently started lifting weights. I've been trying to stretch my hand and fingers against a flat surface hoping to stretch things back to normal .... after reading what your doctor told you, I'm wondering if I'm doing more harm than good. I'm anxious to hear from someone with a 'second opinion'. I want to play basketball a few more years.

06/15/1999 23:25
Stevie Jahn

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06/15/1999 23:25
Stevie Jahn

not registered

Dupuytren Disease

I am 54 years old and was diagnosed a year ago with this desease which I understand is rare in women.I have several nodules in each hand and cords are beginning to form. My doctor just told me that there was nothing tat could be done

03/11/2000 23:35
Audrey Cramer

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03/11/2000 23:35
Audrey Cramer

not registered

Isn~sq~t there anything that can be done to stop the progression of this disease?

I am a 59-year-old female just diagnosed with Dupuytren's Disease. Three nodules just popped out in the palm of my right hand. My physician didn't know what it was and referred me to an orthopedic surgeon who immediately diagnosed Dupuytren's and said there is nothing that can be done about it. He said to wait five to ten years until I cannot put my hand flat on a table and then he would do surgery.

Is that all there is? Can't this be stopped through physical therapy or vitamin supplements? Don't sound possible that we must just let this disease progress to the point that our hands are debilitated and then have surgery. The surgeon said that even after the surgery, the disease would recur.

Does anyone have any information to share with me? Is there any recourse to just waiting for the disease to progress unchecked?

06/13/2000 23:09
D Beason

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06/13/2000 23:09
D Beason

not registered

Non-Surgical Cure ?

Hope you can help!

I’m new to the Dupuytren's Forum, but not to Dupuytren's that showed up about 10 years ago. Had surgery on my left hand 2 years ago but Dupuytren's is now back in the L hand worse than ever. So I know from experience surgery is only a stopgap.

I know about the French Needle so I am very interested in info about non-surgical cures. Question:

1) Are there any legit non-surgical cures? Who and where?
2) Is the SUNY Stony Brook cure near going public? Any info on the status?
3) Are there any doctors (or anyone else) doing injections? Who and where?

Please help with any info you have. I don’t want any more surgery!

Thanks Very Much!

08/13/2002 23:20

not registered

08/13/2002 23:20

not registered

Physical Therapy

I have recently been diagnosed and my orthopaedic surgeon
wisely is avoiding surgery, has referred me for physical therapy, what form that may take I do not yet know. Will report back.

02/28/2003 23:47
E. Wiley

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02/28/2003 23:47
E. Wiley

not registered

Duputrens and physical therapy

I was lucky. My general practitioner immediately linked the lump in my right hand to the wine I was drinking. I was consuming way too much wine. I immediately stopped - not pleasant at first - but the progression of the beginning contracture has definitely stopped. It had been apparent before that it was spreading toward my fingers. I limit my wine to one glass with dinner or none. An orthopedic surgeon the doctor referred me to did not have a clue that alcohol had anything to do with it. Also said there was no help for it. Another orthopedic surgeon has sent me for physical therapy which I hope will also help. I know the key is the alcohol which I was over-consuming. There's no history in my family that I know of.
E. Wiley (64 year old female)

02/28/2003 23:35
02/28/2003 23:35
PT for DC

E Wiley,
You are right, it could be the wine and it might not be the wine. DC can have dormant stages that can last a lifetime or no time. It is a strange and unpredictable disease.
It is also not surprising that the surgeon was unfamiliar with the cause of DC. Many of the messages on this forum suggest that surgeons are most knowledgeable about fixing the situation and not as knowledgeable about the cause of DC.
Let us know about the therapy. It is pretty well split on whether PT works for DC. Some say that the activity stimulates the growth of DC, while others say that it helps flexibility. It is different for each person.

03/03/2003 23:59

not registered

03/03/2003 23:59

not registered

dupuytren~sq~s disease

i am 56 and just diagnosed with dupytren's in my right hand. my fingers are starting to cross over and fold down. they ache and feel tight. i have been on a high dose ( 2, 300mg tabs 8 times a day of neurontin for for 6 years)i have heard this is a possible cause. i also am a social drinker, no history of the disease in my family.
Any thoughts on the origin and/or care of my hand?

03/30/2003 23:39

not registered

03/30/2003 23:39

not registered

recent onset of DP

I am 60 and have been dieting and exercising actively
now for about 2 years (somewhat along Jack Lalane's plan),
but, last month, I was hit with the start of Dupuytren's
disease in my right hand. It was very painful for about
a week (couldn't hold a spoon), and I had to give up
all exercises that require a strenous grip (such as using
barbells or a weight bar). My doctor says there is nothing
I can do but let the swelling subside, and then avoid
aggravating it by not over-exertion (unfortunately, he had
no guidelines for what constitures over-exertion).
I am at a loss - I also find there is pain, but no swelling,
in my left hand and in the soles of both feet.
I suspect that I just have to be more careful about
stressing these tendons - what a bumer!
I was hoping there would be something I could do about it,
so that I could continue my workouts, but, I am accepting
my doctor's advice until I discover something credible
I can do about it. For now, there is no loss of finger
movement, just nagging pain and those little bumps in
the palm just below the ring finger.
If anyone knows of an herbal treatment for inflamation
of the tendons, I would certainly try that -for now,
I am just using and ice pack every day or two, plus I
follow a very good and healthy diet plan (no alcohol
or anything like that - sort of like Jack Lalane's diet).

Very dissappointing,


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Physical   nodules   surgery   unpredictable   Dupuytren   unfortunately   over-consuming   diagnosed   Non-Surgical   dissappointing   encapsulated   fingers   ~dq~encapsulated~dq~   Kristen   dupuytren~sq~s   over-exertion   knowledgeable   manipulations   DUPUYTRENS   Disease