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Physical Theropy
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06/22/2003 23:07

not registered

06/22/2003 23:07

not registered

I think I have DC

Hi. I finally became curious enough about my stiff fingers to search the Internet and see what comes up. Lo and behold, I do have nodules at the base of three fingers on my L hand and 3 on my R. My pinky, ring and middle fingers move with a "trigger" type, jerky motion and feel sore after I've been on the job or computer a few hours.

Must admit, I'm unsettled to think I have a "disease". How bad are my hands going to get? What could this mean for my future as a stenographic court reporter? (Been writing on a steno machine since 1986 -- have I worn my poor fingers out?) Oddly enough, I am of Swedish descent, which I was surprised to read is a diagnosing factor. Anybody have a word for me? I'm new to all this and a little scared. Thanks, Kristin

08/08/2003 23:15
08/08/2003 23:15

i am 45 and two days ago got my 2nd operation, my 1st was a success cause the nodules did not come back in seme place.
this is not a deadly disease and operations are done on a out patient process, have it done. but i stress ask the doctor how many times a year he does this. if less than ten in a year...run. my 1st doc. was highly recommended, but after my research he did notknow shit. no splint was told to me,he gave me little time and had done only 3 previous
i would suggest a county hosp. for many reasons,including the cost. i type this with one hand

08/09/2003 23:13
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

08/09/2003 23:13
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

To Kristen(6-23) & Mike (8-9) postings,
First to Kristen, you may have a disease and the stiff-
ness and nodules you describe would indicate Dupuytrens but
you should get a confirmed diagnosis, but no more at this
point. Mike, did you post in the past under the email add-
ress of mike&jude@post.com ? I can't recall the topic?
Remind me of the post if that was you. I am glad that your
first surgery went well. I am curious, was the 2nd surgery
on the same hand or the other? How many yrs separated the
two surgeries? Did the nodules reappear in the same hand,
but in different places? Apparently you had a different
surgeon do the 2nd surgery. What made your decision to
change? I know that two days after surgery is too soon to
report any news but please keep us posted. Best of luck
to you.

08/10/2003 23:54
08/10/2003 23:54
Believe me, I have DC!!

Mary Beth / Richard - I appreciate your concern about my getting a proper diagnosis. Unfortunately, I'm VERY sure I have DC. I have had NA four times in the last three years, most recently this past May. Currently my pinky with an encapsulated PIP joint is at 90 degrees and has been pronounced as hopeless by 3 doctors. My right ring finger has relapsed from a nice 0 degrees in May to about 20 degrees as we speak. I highly recommend NA, but unfortunately I'm saddled with a relentlessly aggressive case of DC - knuckle pads are the least of my problems. Regards, Kristen

08/10/2003 23:12
jim h

not registered

08/10/2003 23:12
jim h

not registered


Kristen - my situation is similar. Following PIP joint surgery the finger become pretty well frozen at about 45 degrees. I'm pretty sure the joint is 'encapsulated' but I don't really know what that means. Did any of the doctors give you a usefull explanation?

Searching the web, I believe I've seen references to surgery to free an encapsulated joint if the DC itself has not recurred.

08/10/2003 23:02

not registered

08/10/2003 23:02

not registered


Jim - Well, I'd like to tell you that I know the true meaning of encapsulated, but I don't. I don't know that it is the proper english medical term, but all three of the French doctors have described my problem using that term. As I understand it, the cords of collagen become complexly entwined in the joint. My pinky could also be described as "seriously boogered up" and that would also be accurate.

My pinky knuckle is about twice the size of the one on my (so far) undiseased right pinky. It is hard as a rock and NA has been unsuccessful the past couple of times because of it. However, I haven't been to Dr. Rappaport in Switzerland yet - he appears to take on challenges that others won't. Good luck. Kristen

08/10/2003 23:02
Mary Beth

not registered

08/10/2003 23:02
Mary Beth

not registered

Major mistaken identity/Dupuytrens Sufferers United

Kristen (metzgen@hboi.edu)
Obviously you are mistaking our posting to Kristin
(knichols@netnitco.net) as one to you. Did mispell her
name with an e not an i at the end. We were responding to
the other Kristin's 6-23-03 posting who is "unsettled to
think I have a disease." Her last sentence "I'm new to all
this and a little scared." is obviously not you. Anyone
with 4 NA's behind them would not have been new to all this
less than 2 months ago. Our post was intended for her, not
YOU!! Mary Beth and Richard

08/11/2003 23:21
08/11/2003 23:21

Had no idea there was more than one Kristen saddled with DC. I've posted so many times, I assumed the date you mentioned was my post. Let's hope the other Kristin doesn't really have this.

08/11/2003 23:37
Mary Beth

not registered

08/11/2003 23:37
Mary Beth

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

I hope she doesn't have DD as well. Especially bad as
she depends on her hands as a stenographer. She stated that
has been her career since 1986. It would be really bad for
her if she couldn't continue with it. Sorry that you have
such an aggressive case. My husband's is very aggressive
too, so we really feel for you. Good luck and God bless.
Mary Beth

08/12/2003 23:59
08/12/2003 23:59

I have had Dupuytrens in my left hand for about ten years, My pinky is almost down to my palm and pulling the others behind it. My middle finger on the right hand is affected and have a number of nodules also on the right hand. I play golf once a week, but hit many practice balls during the week(large divots) One of my golf partners is affected in the same areas that I am. Wonder if golf is the culprit. Appreciate any thoughts. Tom

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Non-Surgical   diagnosed   ~dq~encapsulated~dq~   DUPUYTRENS   fingers   knowledgeable   Dupuytren   unpredictable   Disease   manipulations   nodules   unfortunately   dissappointing   over-exertion   encapsulated   dupuytren~sq~s   surgery   over-consuming   Kristen   Physical