RSD swelling on un-operated fingers |
07/15/2004 23:37
harry boschnot registered
07/15/2004 23:37
harry boschnot registered
RSD swelling on un-operated fingers
Six weeks after my op on my little finger and next finger, the hand and surprisingly, the OTHER fingers are swollen. Today the surgeon who did the op said i have RSD Reactive Sympathetic Dystrophy which affects 1 in 100 patients, where all the hand and adjacent fingers swell(not hugely but enough so I cannot close the hand into a fist). He said some injections and manipulation at the day surgery clinic will solve this. Also is accompanied by pains - not severe though. Anyone had RSD or the treatment he suggests? thanks
09/27/2004 23:47
Deborah Pnot registered
09/27/2004 23:47
Deborah Pnot registered
I broke my wrist in May and developed RSD and now DC. I would do a lot of research before having any injections as invasive procedures seem to cause more problems. RSD was causing me such excruciating pain, I was barely standing it. If you have severe pain, try amitriptilene, it is actually an anti-depressant but taken in very low dosages ie 25 mg daily at night. Relieved my pain INSTANTLY! They took my cast off early since movement and usage combats rsd, I started intense physio and I am now free of rsd.
09/27/2004 23:16
Randy H. not registered
09/27/2004 23:16
Randy H. not registered
Six weeks you say? Try Seventeen *Months*! I hand Traditional Invasive Surgery last year on the left pinkie. It, and the two adjacent fingers, are still so swollen that I'm far from making a fist. Only when I warm my hand in hot water and work it for 10 minutes can I get good flexation. But after about 15-20 minutes it stiffens back up. My knuckles and PIP joints in three fingers are still all oversized. I haven't seen improvement in months. Taking anti-imflams which don't seem to help much if at all.
No one has suggested RSD, but if it's not that, what could this be? What injections are your doc talking about? Maybe it's time for a *third* opinion. My original surgeon has sent me off with "This should improve eventually.....go have a nice life". Add me to the list of **What's up with this?**
09/27/2004 23:26
09/27/2004 23:26
RSD swelling on un-operated on fingers
My occupational therapist had me doing "contrast baths" where I had my hand in warm water(not hot)for a few minutes and then in cold water--repeating this a few times followed by hand exercises. (I used ice-cream pails) I think it helped. I did this 3-4 times a day or more frequently if the hand was hurting. I was told not to use hot water.I also wore a therapeutic glove to control the swelling. I also had a series of nerve blocks at a pain clinic immediately followed by therapy. Still have lingering shoulder pain out of the deal. This was tradional surgery, I might add.
09/04/2005 23:22
Marvinnot registered
09/04/2005 23:22
Marvinnot registered
RSD treatment
I think yur Doctor is on the right track. I first noticed pain in the wrist area that spread into my hand after duputrens relase on my ring and little finger. Cartozone injections to the inflamed area helped.