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severe hand curling
01/18/2004 23:52

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01/18/2004 23:52

not registered

severe hand curling

My mother in law has been advised by both her GP and orthopaedic surgeon that the only treatment for the severity of her case would be to have the hand amputated. This seems a little drastic as it is classified as a painless condition.Have you ever heard of this as a recommended cure?

01/18/2004 23:27
Wayne Vogen

not registered

01/18/2004 23:27
Wayne Vogen

not registered


Try NA in France first. Pretty easy for you in the UK. I bet they can handle your problem. Plenty of references in this forum. The french doctors said that they do no do this procedure in England.

Good Luck

01/18/2004 23:25

not registered

01/18/2004 23:25

not registered


Amputation?? A second opinion is definately in order. You can email pictures of her hands to France with an explanation of the situation. They are extremely helpful and patient.

Good Luck

01/19/2004 23:39
Etonne Frappe

not registered

01/19/2004 23:39
Etonne Frappe

not registered

Second opinions

If one visits Dupuytren's sites, there are references to
amputation of 4th and 5th fingers because of stage 3-4
contractures that precluded intervention. In those cases,
Needle Apronevrotomy (NA) was also applied to create a
functional grip with the thumb and forefinger, middle finger
to facilitate self feeding and self grooming. When one's
hand is non-functional, any improvement is life enhancing.
Your Doctor may be correct in diagnosis and prognosis.
I would want a second (and third) opinion before I lost my hand. Perhaps after NA, some fingers might be "more" functional, while others were still sources of ingrown
nails. Amputation of one to thres fingers would be
preferable to loss of the entire hand, in my opinion.
Please take pictures (35 mm or digital) and send them to
a doctor listed on this website. This topic is beyond an
internet evaluation; the patient needs a hands-on clinical
evaluation. Take the pictures and mail or e-mail them to
an NA practitioner. The list is on Dave's Dupuytrens Links
website. If you have difficulities, please repost.

01/19/2004 23:32
01/19/2004 23:32

I too was advised to have my 4th & 5th fingers amputated by a renowned surgeon. I was also turned away by some NA practitioners due to the severity of my condition.

I located Dr. Rappoport; traveled to Switzerland and now after almost 3 years my hand remains as the day of my APO procedure. About 80-90% of perfect with full function.

Cannot say the same about other hand that was treated via conventional surgery. I am left with a semi crippled hand, which includes nerve damage.

01/19/2004 23:27
George Barbarow

not registered

01/19/2004 23:27
George Barbarow

not registered

Aponeurotomy vs Amputation

In two visits to a hnad surgeon locally, I asked if amputation was ever used. The physical therapist advised that patients that had amputation often experienced
"phantom pains" in the missing fingers.
I am so happy that I found this group and Dr.Eaton.
I came very glose to agreeing to the "old" surgery before
going to Dr. Eaton.

01/19/2004 23:58

not registered

01/19/2004 23:58

not registered

Forget the surgeon

When I first went to an orthopedic surgeon, he too said I should have the surgery, or risk amputation (of my little finger) in the forseeable future. With this in mind, I went to Florida and had NA. Now I can type, can play piano, etc. If I were a more sarcastic sort, I might even look up the surgeon who predicted amputation and wiggle my fingers at him. Surgeons have an agenda - surgery.

01/19/2004 23:17

not registered

01/19/2004 23:17

not registered


Duh, what would you expect a surgeon to say? If you let Dupuytren's continue with nothing being done, amputation is one of the options.

01/20/2004 23:11
John W.

not registered

01/20/2004 23:11
John W.

not registered


don- that i would love to see- that would be so funny to wiggle your fingers at that amputation-ready surgeon! ha ha

03/16/2004 23:41
George Barbarow

not registered

03/16/2004 23:41
George Barbarow

not registered

Enlighten the ignorant surgeons

I made copies of my post ( Nov 13,2003- Miraculous Change)
and took them to the physical therapist that the local hand surgeon to whom I spoke.
I include photos and asked her to pass them to the hand surgeon that refused to talk about NA.
If enough of us pass the information on then perhaps the
others that keep promoting drastic surgery will listen.
They might even before interested enough to learn the
meedle aponevrotomy procedure.

Aponeurotomy   fingers   conventional   Aponevrotomy   Switzerland   practitioner   Dupuytren~sq~s   difficulities   experienced   amputation-ready   functional   explanation   practitioners   Apronevrotomy   surgeon   intervention   amputation   surgery   non-functional   contractures