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sites that I have researched
03/22/2004 23:49
Barbara Bernard

not registered

03/22/2004 23:49
Barbara Bernard

not registered

sites that I have researched

Both are excellent and informative. I particularly like Kevin's theory of "Insulin Deficiency Syndrome" or "IDS"
It would be good if we would all join forces and help Kevin set up a study group for his IDS theory in our communities or at least on this web site forum. It would be to all of our advantage and to our children and families if we do.
If you are interested I am going to open another new topic. Please visit. "Collecting Risk Factors for Dupuytren's Disease"

families   Dupuytren   lynndketchum   researched   Insulin   particularly   communities   children   another   interested   advantage   Syndrome   excellent   informative   dupuytrens-a-new-theory   Disease   Factors   Deficiency   Collecting