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Started use 9/18/2000
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09/19/2000 23:10
Walt Stagner

not registered

09/19/2000 23:10
Walt Stagner

not registered

Started use 9/18/2000

On 9/18/2000 I received my 2 ounces of topical verapamil from PDL. This calcium channel blocker (CCB) was compounded @ 160mg/ml and costs $90 per ounce. A 2 ounce prescription was supplied at a cost of $180 plus shipping. It is applied 3 times daily. I'm also taking calcium and zinc vitamin supplements daily. I will post updates to this forum as changes in my contracture warrant. Feel free to email me with questions. My guess about the lack of biospecifics interest is that if the production of Cordase can be stimulated by the topical verapamil and future topical treatments, there might be little reason for them to continue research. We'll have to wait and see.

09/26/2000 23:29
Alicia Riedel

not registered

09/26/2000 23:29
Alicia Riedel

not registered


I also have started using verapamil 09/16/2000.

I have noticed a little regression in the size of the nodule and also a little tenderness.

I pray every day this is going to work for me. So far I am impressed.

I would be interested in your results

11/01/2000 23:48
Alicia Riedel

not registered

11/01/2000 23:48
Alicia Riedel

not registered


Just a quick update.

I have been usng Verapamil since the 16th of september. I have noticed about a 20% reduction in the size nodule and the same on the contracture.
I'll post more as things progress.

11/19/2000 23:55
11/19/2000 23:55
Topical verapamil

I tried Topical Verapamil for 5 months on DC nodules on both hands and feet. They only got larger. How often do you apply? Did you rub it in thoroughly or just leave it on top with a light pressure smearing of the compound? I also used it on plantar fibroma (dupuytrens of the feet) on both feet. They too got larger. I hope you are successful, but I wonder what the difference is?

04/29/2001 23:50
jim h

not registered

04/29/2001 23:50
jim h

not registered

let~sq~s hear from users

I'd like to see some new messages from the people who've tried topical Verapamil. Has anyone used it for a reasonable length of time (months, apparently) and seen real benefit?

With no news or activity from BSTC in a long time, I'm hoping Verapamil works. But I'm not willing to spend that amount of money without hearing first from someone for whom it has worked.

03/12/2002 23:10

not registered

03/12/2002 23:10

not registered

Plantar Fibromatosis

I read your post about Topical Verapamil. Did this work for you? Please e mail me as soon as possible.

04/21/2002 23:38

not registered

04/21/2002 23:38

not registered

verapamil Cream

4-22-02 Please advise me if I can purchase verapamil creamn and who to contact, how to use, etc. What has the experience been with the use verapail cream in peyronie's disease. Thank you

04/20/2003 23:21

not registered

04/20/2003 23:21

not registered

Topical Verapamil

I have been using this product from PDL in San Antonio Tx for about a year. The stuff is not cheap. the results have not been encouraging. The only real benefit is that the initial pain that I was getting went away after about two weeks of using the cream.
For the first 9 months, I was only applying the cream once a day (that's what they told me to do) it now appears that I should have been applying it twice a day.
The small pea size lumps that I have are gettig a little softer but apart from that everything seems the same, except my bank balance which is some $1500 depleted.

04/22/2003 23:04
Walt Stagner

not registered

04/22/2003 23:04
Walt Stagner

not registered

It never worked for me.

I've had 2 successful NA procedures now and that's the best route, at least for me.

05/02/2003 23:47

not registered

05/02/2003 23:47

not registered


I have been working as a nurse for a urologist for four years. He treats Peyronies with Verapamil and we have seen great results. The difference is we use what is called Iontophoresis Treatment. The patient starts out with a penile ultrasound so the plaque can be identified and located. The patient then comes in once a week for a 20min treatment for 12 weeks. With these treatments we put liquid Verapamil on a patch that is attached to the penis and then the Iontophoresis machine is hooked to this and turned on. The patient just lies there for 20min while the machine works by infusing the Verapamil directly into the plaque. While the patient is on this treatment he is given a supply pack which contains Vitamin E capsules and Hydrocortisone 2% and a Vacuum Erection Device. The patient takes 2 Vitamin E capsules by mouth daily. He also opens one of the capsules of Vit E and directly applies to the plaque and also applies the Hyrocortisone 2%. He does this daily along with using the Vacuum Erection Device. This stretches the penis and helps work out the plaque. So not only are you getting 12 weeks of treatment but you are also doing these at home that will help move the process along faster. Ultrasounds are taken at the 6th and 12th visits also to chart the improvement. I have seen some great results and some happy patients. Feel free to ask questions.


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