06/09/2003 23:35
CHARnot registered
06/09/2003 23:35
CHARnot registered
I have D.C. in my right hand. The lumps are getting bigger all the time, and you can see the cording taking place. The fingers are starting to bend. How long should you wait to have surgery done? I tend to have pain associated with this, does anyone else have pain? I have read that this disease is painless.
06/09/2003 23:09
margaretnot registered
06/09/2003 23:09
margaretnot registered
I have had D.C. in my left hand for a number of years now and I, too, have read that it is a painless disorder...NOT TRUE! I have quite a bit of pain, numbness, tingling and from time to time, severe cramping. The cramping has been so severe I would have to stop driving my car and found it hard to even pull off the road! My three outside fingers are beginning to curl and there are noticable indentions and hard places about an inch down from the base of my ring finger. I would like to have corrective surgery but my doctor tells me it's not bad bad does it have to be? I had a bad fall and all my weight was put on my hand. I think this cause the problem to become much worse. I would like to chat with someone who has already had the surgery. Please respond to the about email address.
06/10/2003 23:57
T.not registered
06/10/2003 23:57
T.not registered
To Margret and Char
I am pretty new to this forum, assume you are too. By creating a new topic you probably restricted yourself to talking to each other instead of getting answers. Try one of the topics which has a high number of messages (indicated next to the topic on the list of topics). Many people will read it there and be helpful to you.
I hope you get your answers - we are all in this together, aren't we? I haven't even been to a doctor yet, seems most say to wait until you are really impaired. But, I don't have any discomfort. My best to you
06/13/2003 23:33
arri bachrachnot registered
06/13/2003 23:33
arri bachrachnot registered
I knew I had least 5 years ago... in the last year it began to seriously affect my ability to play the piano. Also my ring finger was now at a 30 degree angle. I just had what seems to successful surgery 3 weeks ago. You must consult with a busy hand surgeon has has done many of these procedures. There is no rush to do surgery. AB
06/14/2003 23:56
06/14/2003 23:56
Pain with DC
I see I'm not the only one who has pain with DC. It IS painful, I don't care what the web pages say about it. I experience pain and discomfort frequently. sometimes, it is difficult to hold something in my hand because it starts to hurt. i am beginning to see the contracture, and my doctor (private, no insurance)injected it with prednisone, but it didn't seem to do any good. my HMO doctor on the other hand says i have carpal tunnel syndrome. i disagree. i know i have DC and so does my canadian doctor. sorry this got too long, i just want to confirm that YES, there is PAIN.
06/15/2003 23:44
Natnot registered
06/15/2003 23:44
Natnot registered
Attempted to help you, but your address is incorrect.
06/16/2003 23:54
Ian Hunternot registered
06/16/2003 23:54
Ian Hunternot registered
My surgeon says that you should go before the contraction reaches 40 degrees. After 60 degrees it becomes difficult to operate and they may have to amputate.
01/13/2006 23:27
shirley not registered
01/13/2006 23:27
shirley not registered
when to consider
the longer you wait the worse it gets and then you have less chance of 100% correction. The sooner you have it the less chance it has of getting worse and a better outcome.
01/14/2006 23:43
Francesnot registered
01/14/2006 23:43
Francesnot registered
Dandilion juice
Hi Shirley,
The post you responded to is from 2003. Glad to see you have been reading through the forum's important to do so to get the whole picture about DC.
God Bless and take care,