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07/19/2004 23:34
07/19/2004 23:34

Has anyone ever tried legal action against any of the surgeons who have performed fasciectomy when they knew about NA? Just wondered... After all it is a fairly serious issue when a person has irreversible damage due to unnecessary surgery. Or does this hinge on the procedure not being approved in the US/UK at the time?

07/19/2004 23:26
Randy H.

not registered

07/19/2004 23:26
Randy H.

not registered

Best Kept Secret

Unfortunately NA is currently the World's best kept secret when it comes to the top micro hand surgeons. Many know that some kind of "needle treatment" has been tried, but none of their fellow practitioners or medical schools speak of it, let alone endorse it. The most they know about it is to say with confidence "It Doesn't Work". They are sincerely ignorant. Can't be liable for that. Not yet.

Some have suggest that this is intentional blindness due to the profitability of performing fasciectomy. This is incorrect. Do the math. Eaton makes $1,000/hr sitting in his office while doing NA.

It is going to be up to us to change The Conservative Medical establishment. They will not do this on their own. Here's how it can (and probably will) happen:

1) After being diagnosed and inevitably told he/she must have surgery, the patient searches the Net for all the info they can find.

2) They will learn about NA from Eaton's site, mine (if I can ever get it done), and others. This will be happening in much greater numbers than has been the case previously

3) They'll do the research to be sure NA is a viable option, even though they are being told by the Authority that it isn't.

4) They'll tell the surgeon "thanks but no thanks" and hopefully take our advise and send the good doc their "after" pictures.

Once enough patients start voting with their feet, the medical establishment will slowly turn it's collective head and actually have a look at the real facts. Other surgeons will get on board. Eaton says it's all just a "matter of time". Yes, but let's help make it as short a time as we collectively can. Don't forget. Eaton himself learned about NA from a **single patient**.

07/20/2004 23:02

not registered

07/20/2004 23:02

not registered


Sara - That thought has occured to me, now that 'NICE' in the UK has endorsed NA the NHS could find themselves on 'thin ice' should they be challenged in the courts. To pick up on Randy's comments I will try to raise awareness of NA wherever possible including going back to my doctor and surgeon after NA (Paris/Oct) to show them the result.

07/20/2004 23:45
07/20/2004 23:45

Steve - well done, that's all we can do; try and spread the word. By the way, as you are going in September, have you had any luck with getting your local PCT to fund your treatment in France? I am trying, but getting nowhere at the moment. It seems wrong that not only are we unable to get the treatment here, but face the reluctance to pay for treatment elsewhere. I shall continue to go to France for treatment as I think it is marvellous, and they are definitely the experts, but I feel sorry for those who cannot afford the trip. The whole thing is making me quite angry about the way things are done (or not done!) here. Good luck with your treatment!

07/20/2004 23:42

not registered

07/20/2004 23:42

not registered


Sara /Steve
If the PCT refuses to pay, make a complaint under the NHS Complaints procedure against the PCT and its commissioning decision
If they do not give you a satisfactory answer you can then get it investigated by the Healthcare Commission which will investigate complaints after 30 July. They are independent and very influential about policy and practice (they are the inspectorate who do star ratings).
I have asked for reimbursement from my PCT on the grounds that this is the only way that anyone will take notice. Not yet had a reply.

07/25/2004 23:52

not registered

07/25/2004 23:52

not registered


Sara/Christine - No I haven't approached my PCT with regards to paying for my treatment in Paris, I have asked when they estimate NA will become available in the UK but have not received a clear reply. As Christine suggests, I may try to get reimbursed after treatment, I will feel in a stronger position if I can demonstrate the success (hopefully) of the procedure. The cost isn't my main concern, but I realise that for some people the expense may unfortunately prove prohibitive, which is yet another reason to get NA accepted as the preferred alternative to surgery.

fasciectomy   treatment   practitioners   procedure   independent   Conservative   irreversible   investigate   unnecessary   investigated   influential   Unfortunately   establishment   collectively   inspectorate   intentional   profitability   commissioning   satisfactory   reimbursement