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The northern Euopeans
03/15/2004 23:26

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03/15/2004 23:26

not registered

The northern Euopeans

Here is what I have found. Even if you are Spanish, or Orental.... It does go back to the Northern Europeons. As I always say " Who knows thier real background.?" I have traced mine back to the 1500's. Now, With the vikings known to even been in Minnisota, and all over the world, the genes are there for all of us. The interaction of the genes, are all over the map. You could be any nationallity, and still have this, as , you don't know your real background. These men, were all over the world. I just happen to be a Scot, but this had to have spread all over the world. Someone , said, it was the "Y" gene.

03/15/2004 23:39
Stage one

not registered

03/15/2004 23:39
Stage one

not registered

Y as in XY Chromosome?

Hi, Patty. I am 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Scot (Isle of Skye.)
When you mentioned "Y," where you referring to the
male chromosome XY as opposed to the female XX chromosome?
Just curious. I do doubt that that female Vikings were
seducing the Celts and others into "spawning" prodigy.
Yes, it seems likely that distributions might follow patterns of male explorations and exploitations.
Personally, I have no knowledge about Vikings. I am very clear to my own sons about "sowing oats."
The best link to the demographics is through Walt's Dupuytrens site: "Historical Perspective." That
treatise discribes patterns of genetic distribution
corresponding to Viking "penetration." The author is
an M.D. and a sufferer of D.D. Best wishes.

exploitations   penetration   Personally   distributions   Perspective   nationallity   distribution   Dupuytrens   discribes   explorations   background   Europeons   corresponding   interaction   knowledge   Chromosome   Historical   demographics   patterns   northern