Viking Chief |
03/15/2004 23:04
Mary Dousenot registered
03/15/2004 23:04
Mary Dousenot registered
Viking Chief
On a visit some time ago, to a Hand Doctor to correct my trigger finger, he says, of a thickening in my palm (causing no problem at all) "Oh,you must be a descendant of the Viking Chief 'so and so", (unfortunately I neglected to write down his name) and he proceded to tell me a bit about the condition and that the poor fellow was renowned for his distorted hand. I was extremely impressed that my anticedents went back that far and proudly boasted about it even though it had to have been pased along from one of their U.K. rape and pillage expeditions. However, on looking the matter up on the web I find that I'm not unique at all and there are myriads of us around. My question anyway, however, is: What was the man's name? (I still have to pass (my relationship to a Viking Chief) on to a completely sceptical cousin struggling to get back past 1700ad. PS. This hand Doctor seems to have forgotten name
03/15/2004 23:54
jim hnot registered
03/15/2004 23:54
jim hnot registered
Viking Chief
I think he meant "Viking Chef". The guy was probably just a cook on one of their longships. :-)
03/15/2004 23:55
03/15/2004 23:55
Viking Chief
Not sure, but could it be Rollo the Viking? He was a big leader. Died in 931 ad. In his later life, he was baptised as a Christian, and changed his name to Robert.