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Website by Dr. Eaton regarding Duputrens
05/20/2004 23:40
Barb u

not registered

05/20/2004 23:40
Barb u

not registered

Website by Dr. Eaton regarding Duputrens

Attention new readers of the Forum...and I see there are quite a few! If you do not have time to search the entire list of topics to search for info you are seeking....
Be advised that Dr. Charles Eaton, the only Paris trained physician in the US doing the NA procedure, has a website
wherein he provides the latest on dupuytrens, photos of his patients, and frequently asked questions. Check it out for yourselves...you may find some of the answers to your questions straight from :"the horse's mouth"!

click on "what's new"
click on "Dupuytrens" on the left
then click on the topic on the left which interests you...
Frequently asked Questions
Frequently asked Questions regarding NA
photos of his patients
Training of Dr. Eaton

Hope you find this website helpful...I know Dr Eaton has tried to present the latest info for all those interested in

03/26/2006 23:18
Patty Malovec

not registered

03/26/2006 23:18
Patty Malovec

not registered

New Diagnosis of Dupuytren~sq~s Disease

My mom has an appt. in early April with a Rheumotologist. After bloodwork, they feel she has Dupuytren's Diease. Can anyone share some info with me. I couldn't find much on the internet. She was diagnosed with diabetes a year or so ago (controlled with diet at this point). She is 75 years old. This is affecting her hands. Thanks.

03/26/2006 23:20
Randy H.

not registered

03/26/2006 23:20
Randy H.

not registered

The Info.


This should do the trick and keep you busy reading for quite a while.


Dupuytren~sq~s   Diagnosis   Attention   frequently   dupuytrens   affecting   interests   Dupuytren   yourselves   interested   Rheumotologist   newfile16   handcenter   regarding   Website   questions   controlled   diagnosed   bloodwork   Duputrens