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When will it be available?
05/08/2004 23:05
05/08/2004 23:05
When will it be available?

Since NA has in theory been approved in the UK (since February/March), does anyone know of anyone performing the procedure yet, or at least whether they are undergoing training? I am always surprised that other British visitors to the site do not seem to ask the question, because surely that is our aim - to get the procedure up and running here.

05/12/2004 23:38
Malcolm Thornton

not registered

05/12/2004 23:38
Malcolm Thornton

not registered


I have asked my doctor and he said that if I was to find a suitable person he would write a letter of introduction. So it is down to me I guess!.I also wonder whether the treatment would be an acceptable claim against my private health insurers? So if anyone out there can recommend a Dr Eaton or a Doctor Badois in the UK please post his name here PLEASE.Incidentally for those who are interested my twin brother developed Dupuytren's Contracture some time ago and now I am developing it.

05/12/2004 23:40
05/12/2004 23:40


At last a reply from the UK! Thanks - I was beginning to wonder what was happening! I am not aware of anybody who performs NA in the UK, but I keep hoping, particularly as I may need it again this year, or next year at the very latest. It really can be quite an expensive business going to France (travel-wise I mean), the treatment is so reasonably priced it is incredible.
I do not know if private health insurance will cover NA, but the first step will be to find someone who offers it!
Can anybody else shed some light on the situation?

05/12/2004 23:39

not registered

05/12/2004 23:39

not registered

NA in UK

I would be cautious about going to anyone without training- You can get the NHS to pay for treatment in France.
Contact your Primary care trust

05/12/2004 23:57
05/12/2004 23:57


You seem to have some inside knowledge. How does one go about contacting Primary Care trust? How long has the NHS paid for this treatment in France? Does it include the travel costs? This is really interesting information. Thanks.

05/12/2004 23:19

not registered

05/12/2004 23:19

not registered

Pay Attention E. Wicks

They are talking about NA in the UK, not the US!!!!

In the US, Dr Eaton is the only one listed on the French Website as having had the training with them for the NA. Dr. Eaton is also a Board Certified Hand Surgeon and has been for many years.

05/16/2004 23:55

not registered

05/16/2004 23:55

not registered

NA in UK

The PCT has the contract for GPs and commissions health services for its residents. It can commission wherever it likes, including France. There is also I think a new EU right that you can seek treatment in other EU countries etc
Phone up the PALS (patient advice and liaison Officer) officer in your local PCT (normally cover the same areas as the local authoirty)- You can mention Patient Choice which is a Govt initiative. Mention the NICE guidelines because that makes it clear that it is a safe and effective treatment and will be a lot cheaper than for them than an inpatient stay.
Good luck

05/17/2004 23:32
05/17/2004 23:32
Useful info


Thank you so much for this information; I was not aware of this particular approach. I shall certainly have a go.
I'm sure other UK Dupuytren's sufferers will appreciate this info too.

05/18/2004 23:56
05/18/2004 23:56
NA in UK

Hi Sara

I was interested to hear about PALS etc. Having delayed
surgical treatment in the UK for (probably) too long - left little finger VERY bent, I heard of NA and went ahead. By the time I had appointments (with Dr Badois) finger bent a little more - made it more difficult for him (and more painful for me) The problem, I think, is that surgeons in UK won't operate at a time when NA is most appropiate - I won't make that mistake again (I accept there will be an again)

As for time/cost to Paris - I live near Manchester, and have been over 3 times this year - little finger on both hands (2 treatments for the left one)

Cost for 1 treatment under £100 for everything (flight, airport parking, RER into Paris and the treatment at Hopital Lariboisiere - 33.68 euros - etc) Being a tightwad I took a flask and sandwiches (the hospital has a sunny courtyard for lunch - popular with all)

Left home 5.30am and back by 7.30pm!

When I think about how much my sister's spent on private sugery over here - to little apparent effect)

Good luck


08/31/2005 23:09
08/31/2005 23:09
needle aponeurotomy

I am thinking of going to France for this. Does anyone know if treatment available in u.k yet? If so where?

interested   Contracture   contacting   Availability   commissions   guidelines   introduction   particularly   Lariboisiere   commission   interesting   aponeurotomy   information   reasonably   Incidentally   appointments   developing   travel-wise   treatment   everything