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Which is worse - PD or DC? |
11/16/2003 23:47
John Bullnot registered
11/16/2003 23:47
John Bullnot registered
Which is worse - PD or DC?
As someone who has had PD now for 4 1/2 years and who has recently joined the DC club (only a lump in my palm as yet) I am convinced that for most people PD is a much worse condition (although the severity of both can of course vary tremendously).
Just think what PD can do: it can shorten your penis by several inches; it can narrow it along virtually its entire length; it can bend or twist it in virtually any direction; it can tighten it, as though it were gripped by an elastic band; it can cause you excruciating pain every time you get an erection; it can cause you loss of sleep, due to the pain caused by noctural erections; it can result in partial or total impotance; it may make intercourse difficult or impossible; it therefore may ruin your sex life and even your relationships; it may cause you tremendous mental trauma because of the effects of any combination of the above; plus there is the ever present anxiety that things could get even worse.
I hasten to add that not all of the above symptoms manifest themselves in every PD case. But because our self esteem is usually so closely bound up with our sexuality, I think that PD is more likely to justify the description of being a devastating condition - at its worst even the catastrophic may not be too strong. If I was given a choice, I think I would gladly swop my PD for DC. In fact, after perusing this site for the first time, my first impression is that you DC guys don't know how lucky you are (using the term luck in a relative sense).
If you have one of the three fibrotic conditions, you may of course be pre-disposed to acquiring one or two of the others. No one is quite sure what causes PD, but it seems to be related to a malfunction in wound healing - so be careful not to cause your organ any damage - better safe than sorry - and believe me if you get full blown PD you will be very sorry!
sexuality excruciating devastating impossible difficult virtually catastrophic therefore conditions condition malfunction impression intercourse combination tremendous themselves tremendously description relationships pre-disposed