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04/15/2005 23:45
04/15/2005 23:45

Is this an advertisement?

04/16/2005 23:40

not registered

04/16/2005 23:40

not registered

Assistance for those with DC


Negative. This is assistance for those with DC. Information.

I hope that you are not against helping others with DC/DD.

04/16/2005 23:11
04/16/2005 23:11
yes, michael. it is an advertisement

it's the same people on this site day and night. it ought to be looked into.

04/17/2005 23:57

not registered

04/17/2005 23:57

not registered



Good morning. I don't know whether your reason by induction or deduction,however, I would like to share this with you, if you want to be realistic:

"We can consider every mention of NA, OS, and physician(s) name, patients comments about their experiences, etcetera as ads. In a way, ads as you perceive them have advanced NA in the US from zero to five "Certified Hand Surgeons" within the past 14 months that perform the NA procedure for DC helping the movement thus helping those with DC/DD. If you want to think this way, I'll agree."

Look at the progress that has been made helping the NA movement in the USA in the past 14 month. Thanks to many. Let us continue to do what we can helping those with DC, and getting "Hand Surgeons" trained. Straight ahead and right on.

Your comments appreciated. Have a good day.

04/18/2005 23:41
04/18/2005 23:41

I sort of agree but who do you suggest look into the matter? When I get ratteled I just mouth off or stay away, not forever of course. It is somewhat of a therapy thing the not being alone part. Hope you find some answers and I wish a new trial would start.

04/18/2005 23:42
Randy H.

not registered

04/18/2005 23:42
Randy H.

not registered

Full Disclosure

Megan, Linda,

I spoke with someone from Auxilium yesterday, the company that is partnering with our host BioSpecifics to finish the FDA phase III trials of injectable Collagenase. Seems BioS just doesn't have the $$$ to go it alone. It appears as if they still have some financial interest, otherwise they would have pulled the plug on this site long ago. At best the Collagenase alternative to the Open Surgery is still at least *two* years away. (We've been hearing *that* for many years already so don't hold your breath) Meanwhile, this site is a bit of a Wild West Free For All at times. Nature of the Beast.

Now, I should perhaps have the grace to take some hits around here without reacting. But as you know however, in the days of the *actual* Wind West you needed to cary a gun and know how to use it (And we *do* have shoot out around here!). Nevertheless, I want to try and carefully address your issue with what you are calling "advertisements ".

BioS's Collagenase is a long way off. In the mean time, as Anon pointed out very clearly, this other noninvasive procedure (NA) has replaced our host's Collagenase as the alternative of choice the minds (and hands) of a growing number of contributors heres. In fact, the majority of long time posters currently on this site are now of this opinion. Had the Collagenase injections (which does chemically the *exact* same thing as the French invented NA) come to market two years ago, all this talk and interest about NA would *never* have happened. Most American CHS are quite ready to embrace Collagenase so we all would have had our surgical alternative. But that didn't materialize.

While some have an excellent experience with OS, many don't and are keenly interested in a way to avoid it. With the advent of a well respected American CHS (Eaton) overcoming his natural skepticism of this non surgical French needle treatment for Dups, this site has been used very very successful to inform our fellow sufferers that they actually now *do* have a safe reliable alternative to OS. In fact, if it were not for this site, NA would never have gotten off the ground in the US at all. Eaton himself learned abut NA indirectly through this site.

It all started *right* here, and many of us are committed to see it through. "Seeing It Through" means reaching enough patients and CHS so that NA becomes widely available. It will not by easy. Many CHSs are not aware of this French innovation, and nearly all who *are* still oppose it. Many of us, especially those who have now had NA, *firmly* believe that they are *misinformed* and are fully committed to changing that. Currenlty this site is the only way we can do that.

So, ***that's*** what's going on here. Some newcomers like yourself *initially* find this distressing (until they realize NA is for real and may in fact be of value to them down the line!) Unfortunately there is *little* we can do abut that but apologize for using this site as the *only* means available to do *all* we can to do reduce the suffering of our fellow patient by informing them abut NA, and *who* is available to perform this procedure for them. There are many other topics being discussed and you will learn a lot and I'm sure contribute as well.

Please "look into" what I have said by reading the posts under the thread "Treatment by Dr. Eaton". This is no sham. It's the real deal. Check out his web site.

Welcome Abroad.

Randy H.

04/18/2005 23:12

not registered

04/18/2005 23:12

not registered

Still Hope

In your conversation with Auxilum, any mention of trials for Peyronie's disease? Questionable whether collagenase has a future as a treatment for Dupuytren's; but for Peyronie's it could be a breakthrough. I had thought that Auxilium was mainly interested in the Peyronie's applicaiton.

04/18/2005 23:45
Randy H.

not registered

04/18/2005 23:45
Randy H.

not registered

Still Hope


Sorry, I didn't ask abut the Peyronie's issue. However, Dups is still definitely in the pipeline, but they aren't falling all over themselves to make it the top priority. It's *is* mentioned in their latest investor report, and plans for continuing Phase III do exist. I think Phase III only needs two more trial sites. In my opinion we should all continue to root for this, as it may eventually prove to overcome NA's shortcoming, which is it's inability to release contractures from diffuse tissue. As an enzyme attacking a wider aria, and available for multiple injections, it might just over come this. (This *is* speculation on my part.).

And guess what. I've learned that NA is *not* always infinitely repeatable. In extremely aggressive cases where NA has been done repeatedly in France, the new growth can become more and more diffuse, rendering NA *useless*. That's a possible argument for OS over NA for someone like No Name.

I know a lot of us have thrown in the towel and moved on, but Collagenase 'aint quite dead yet.

04/19/2005 23:06

not registered

04/19/2005 23:06

not registered

Patient Optimist

My opinion is that neither of these companies (BioSpecifics and Auxilium) is at all serious about producing the product - it's just used to attract investment money, which is then burned up in salaries and other expenses while "plans for further trials" go nowhere. Then in about 3 years, the cycle repeats.

Hope I'm wrong, of course.

04/19/2005 23:09
Randy H.

not registered

04/19/2005 23:09
Randy H.

not registered

Patient Optimist


If that were the case, why would they have paid to have both Phase I and Phase II completed, plus at least one site of Phase III? I personally talked to a VP over there last year and he was lamenting about being out of $$$$ to continue. It was my UCLA surgeon who was going to do one of the final phase III and was all excited about it. Then BioS just could not come up with the money.

Then there is *this* site. Why does BioS continue to pay the bill every month?

OK.......call me a patient optimist. The one good thing that has resulted from the delay is the chance for NA to begin to catch on. Otherwise it had no chance.

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