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Anyone with bad NA experience
10/22/2004 23:21

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10/22/2004 23:21

not registered

Anyone with bad NA experience

All of the NA experiences on this mailing list appear to be stories of great success. While many (all?) full surgery stories are disappointing.

For my own traditional surgery that I had 3 years, I am disappointed in the results. I have good motion, but it took a year to get back full motion. My left hand needs work now and I am looking for options.

The Phase 3 studies are underway (I think), but who knows when my doctor will have it.

There must be some NA failures, right? Can it really be so good, so safe, so wonderful? As I understand the procedure, the doctor is going into your hand "blind" and there are a lot of sensitive things inside a hand. One little mistake can be dangerous.

thanks in advance for any feedback.

10/23/2004 23:16

not registered

10/23/2004 23:16

not registered


I suffer Dup.for 18 years now.I have it in both hands and feet.The cords under my feet, are not bordering me much,and my left has become a claw -- the right is full of cords-ringfinger and pink 45 degrees -but still usefull

I was operated 5x left and 3x right--after each operation --i felt allready the next day-new cords growing inside , and in 3 months time- it was worse as before-.
I know now, there are diff.degrees (forms) in Dup.My case- which is "ëxtreem"(as the doctors called it) shows, that the operation itself courses a reaction,thats why the op. is NO option.
I had a N.A 4 months ago- and i believe that this NA-technic will be for "less extreem dup.s " a wonderfull option.the change - the doctor will damage or cut something is no more or less -as in the dup.opreation.
But ( in my case) ...... this minor "poking around"with the needle-- coused the same reaction-so is -sad enough- no option for me.....

10/23/2004 23:29

not registered

10/23/2004 23:29

not registered


Dear Olly,

Don't give up hope, Collegenase when it becomes available may an option for you.

Good luck and thank you for posting.


10/25/2004 23:50
10/25/2004 23:50
sorry to hear olly

I know we spoke before this, sorry to hear it didn't work..what exactly happened with your NA? Did it work initially then just regrow? I've had it done twice and it regrew within a month...the second time at least its stabilized at about 25 degrees vs the pre-NA 45...I hope it stays that way.

10/26/2004 23:04
Rich Parry

not registered

10/26/2004 23:04
Rich Parry

not registered



I think you are referring to someone else. I have had NA. I hand the traditional surgery on my right hand and now my left hand needs surgery. I was thinking of NA.

Everyone has such wonderful stories about NA. I don't understand why it isn't the standard. My original post was looking for folks that had a bad NA experience. So far no one replied.

12/03/2004 23:59

not registered

12/03/2004 23:59

not registered


What is collaganese?

12/20/2004 23:13

not registered

12/20/2004 23:13

not registered

Best procedure

NA and fasciotomies generally have a higher recurrence than a limited fasciectomy. There is a trade-off that each person will have to decide. Most people have the necessity for only one surgery in their lifetime. Some people who have DC badly will have a number of surgeries or procedures. Each person has different characteristics with their DC.

Dr. Eaton has the knowledge to decide which procedure is appropriate for each person. There is not a one size fits all in DC.

Good luck

understand   collaganese   NA-technic   disappointed   Collegenase   procedures   surgery   disappointing   fasciotomies   recurrence   traditional   experiences   appropriate   right--after   experience   reaction-so   cords-ringfinger   characteristics   fasciectomy   procedure