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Back from Florida -- Results of NA on my hand
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04/18/2005 23:25

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04/18/2005 23:25

not registered

Back from Florida -- Results of NA on my hand

Returned from Dr. Eaton's Jupiter, Florida office last night where he performed NA on the ring finger of my right hand. The finger with Dupuytren's disease bent downward and was becoming a problem. I was poking myself in the eye while washing my face, unable to slip my hand into my pockets, etc. I've been following this forum for some time, posted a couple of times, and became convinced that NA in Florida was worth a try.

Today, I can extend all the fingers of my hand back to form a relatively flat hand, and the ring finger does not point acutely downward. My office visit lasted an hour. I spent another half hour with a therapist who made a custom splint which I will wear at night for the next three months. Eaton said it should add a little additional straightness to the finger. I wore the splint last night and found no discomfort using it.

The procedure was not notably painfull. Injections of local anesthetic felt like bee stings that lasted for a few seconds. The needle work was painless. Occasionally, Eaton would grasp all my fingers and stretch them backward. This was uncomfortable but was over in a second or two. All in all I would not describe this procedure as painful.

I left the office and headed to the airport for the long trip back to California. My hand was quite numb, and I assumed the numbness would eventually pass and I would have feeling in all my fingers. The hours went by, and I still had no feeling in my ring finger, and there was very little sensitivity in each adjacent finger. I thought the worse: a nerve had been severed! Despondent over this I headed home. Later in the evening, sensation began to return and today as I write this the ring finger feels around 80-90% normal, the middle finger is 100% normal, and the pinkie around 70-80%. The way things are progressing, I anticipate that full sensaton will return to all fingers in a day or so. In any event, I have enough sensation now that I should suffer no substantial impairment in the use of these fingers.

Seven holes were made in the palm of the hand with the needles. Today the bandages are off, the wounds are closed, and I am using my hand for most normal activities including typing this post. I even did some light gardening. My hand had a few black and blue patches this morning. This afternoon they are mostly gone.

I have not been a forum booster for NA. We all know there are several on this form (perhaps justifiably so). In fact I went to Florida with some trepidation since my decision was based largely on what I have learned here. I've tried to come to an informed decision based on the many and often disparate opinions voiced here.

I concluded that (1) radical open hand surgery was something I would avoid if at all possible, (2) that really I had not too much to lose if NA didn't work, and(3) that if NA did work but had to be repeated every two years I would still rather take that on than go through one radical and potentially more problematic open hand surgery.

So I am pleased with the outcome. For me it was a success.
I hope this information is useful to any newbies contemplating what they should do.


04/19/2005 23:50

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04/19/2005 23:50

not registered

Darris, don~sq~t worry!

I had no problem driving or handling my bags. I only spent one night in Florida, and I traveled with one light , carry-on bag -- the only way to go. If you rent a car from Avis don't let them give you with with a speedometer calibrated in kilometers per hour. What a pain?

Holding your hand upright is not difficult. Just make like you singing the Star Spangled Banner and bring your hand closer to your neck. Hook your thumb on you top most shirt button, and you can just leave your hand there.

I asked the flight attendant for some ice and a plastic bag and she was glad to help. I only iced my hand that one time since I had no pain and little inflamation.

All in all, there is little to worry about except the pain of the trip to Florida. I could not find a non-stop flight so I ended up going to Charlotte and then West Palm Beach -- two planes, two airports, two flights, a real drag. The traveling is the worst thing about going to see Dr. Eaton.

Best of luck.


04/19/2005 23:46

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04/19/2005 23:46

not registered


I just read your messages about the injections by Dr Eaton.
I wanted to ask some questions of the participants of the discussion forum.

I have problems in both hands now. I had surgery on my left pinkie 2 years ago and the growths are back and it is much worse. I have growths on my right hand--pointer and middle finger in the second joints. I have no growths in my palms--just in the fingers themselves. All of the reading I have done on the subject indicates that the growths start in the palm. Has anyone else experienced growth in the fingers first?

I have pain in my hands at night or when my hands have gotten cold (I also have renaud's). Do others experience this pain/throbbing?

My other questions are about the injections--is it difficult to get an appointment with Dr. Eaton? Aren't there any doctors in calif. that do the same procedure? (I am in LA)
Have you heard of anyone who has had these injections a long time ago? How are they now? Did it last?

Any information would be appreciated.

Regards, Carol

04/19/2005 23:31
Steve Abrams

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04/19/2005 23:31
Steve Abrams

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Carol -

The procedure Dr. Eaton uses are not injections. It is the use of a very fine blade to cut the cords caused by Dupuytren's. As your problem started in your fingers, my question to you is: are you certain that you are suffering from Dupuytren's and not some other syndrome?


04/19/2005 23:31
Randy H.

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04/19/2005 23:31
Randy H.

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Along with NA, Eaton likes to use cortisone for the Nodules. And it works! I have one that is now 1/2 the size and no longer painful after 9 days.

Eaton: "nodules usually shrink and soften after a cortisone shot": http://www.handcenter.org/newfile23.htm

Most CHS don't believe that long tern used of cortisone injections are going to slow Dups from spreading. In a recent post Dr. Denkler has said as much.

04/19/2005 23:36

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04/19/2005 23:36

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Carol~sq~s questions

It is not difficult to get an appointment with Eaton. Just call. When I called, he was scheduling a month or more in advance. He has a web site : Google "Hand Center, Jupiter Fla."

Yes, Dr, Denkler in Larkspur, California (Marin County north of San Francisco) does NA now. Other posts on this forum give more particulars. I chose to go to Eaton because of the many NA's he has done and the many comments of approval I have read here.


04/19/2005 23:08
04/19/2005 23:08
not if you have money anyway

if you have the cash upfront, the na doctor has no problem seeing you.

04/21/2005 23:47

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04/21/2005 23:47

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Have a good trip, Darris!

Best wishes for a good trip, Darris. Let us know how it all turns out.

04/25/2005 23:10

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04/25/2005 23:10

not registered

Your symptons

Hello Bob and Steve,
Thanks for the info. In response to your question about whether or not my problem is truly dup. My brother, who is a doctor, really questioned the same thing. He said that my issue is not "presenting itself" as dup. I have been to at least 5 doctors and they all say it is--so I don't know who else to consult.
I think I will check out Dr. Eaton's site.
Do you all have pain in your fingers and hands at night?

04/25/2005 23:35

not registered

04/25/2005 23:35

not registered

Your symptons

If you call Dr. Eaton's office he will evaluate your hand by way of a phone interview (his staff) and photos which he will ask you to send. Only then does he set up the appointment for the NA. So you might wish to call his office and see if they will do that for you.

As to pain at night, I have none now, nor did I ever have any.


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Injections   Florida   problem   fingers   contemplating   handcenter   participants   Occasionally   substantial   procedure   uncomfortable   injections--is   hand--pointer   appointment   information   California   straightness   Cortisone   descriptions   correspondence