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02/26/2006 23:02

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02/26/2006 23:02

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NA in Ontario

There is a trained doc in Ont. His name is Paul Binhammer at Sunnybrook. Info. on him is on the net. Just type in his name in a search engine. He did NA on my hand two years ago.

02/26/2006 23:42

not registered

02/26/2006 23:42

not registered



I hope your procedure went well with Dr. B. We have not heard much about him on this forum.

I contacted France a long time ago and asked if Dr B was trained by their group. He was not, which is why his name does not appear on their list, nor was Dr. Foucher trained byt them which is why his name does not appear on their list either. I tried to contact Dr. Foucher to ask him if he specifically teaches NA and where he learned it but was not able to follow through as I was not able to obtain an email address.

Thanks for responding,


03/09/2006 23:11

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03/09/2006 23:11

not registered


Hi all,

Clearly my question about raising money failed but...nothing ventured...nothing gained.

So.....I contacted my local MPP's office, MP's office, the Ontario Medical Association, Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, the OHIP Claims department.

Apparently the first step is to write a letter to my MPP's office explaining the issue and requesting a meeting to discuss it. It will be mailed this coming week.

Everyone I spoke with developed a positive attitude after they heard, '...every insurance companies in the United States are covering it (including medicare)...there are 6 surgeons who have gone over and learned it...the ASSH may be allowing a presentation...the British government and the BSSH have all come out publically with approval through NICE and a patient pamphlet found on the BSSH website.....the Aussies are on their way and have paid a claim for it...it's only a matter of time before we get it too...afterall it saves money for everyone and will save money for OHIP too...Our own Dr. Toye has written a paper for the College of Physician and surgeons (2002), and in that paper he puts men at 30% and women at 10%. That's really high, NA could save OHIP a lot of money, empolyers a lot of money, it just makes sense...NA is coming it's just a matter of when.'

One person said '...well any changes in Canada can take between five and ten years'. To that I responded 'That's fine, myself and others have already been working at it for five...another five or ten wont be a problem...after all, look at what we've done in five years...NA went from nothing to all this...we've been extremely successful because NA works, saves money, and is wanted as an option by patients themselves.'

For those who wish to see Dr. Toye's publication it's
called 'Independent Health Facilities Clinical practices and Standards' The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Chaper 11 pg 53

"...though the etiology is unknown, 30% of males and 10% of females over the age of 60 develop Dupuytren's Contracture, but not all are clinically significant or require surgical intervention"

If you Google 'Toye Dupuytren's Contracture' you will find the paper. It's extensive so I used my 'Edit' tool in the upper left of my screen, clicked 'Find' then typed 'Dupuytren's' into the box.

05/10/2006 23:10

not registered

05/10/2006 23:10

not registered

Rolling up our sleeves

Hi Ken,

I've moved this thread to the top because of the reference to BC. Plus it might be a good idea to keep the Canadian stuff together if we can. To update you with how things are going in Ontario, husband and I had a major health scare with a family member the day after my posts about contacting people in the area so nothing definative has been has been done as yet other then having made a poster listing the people I need to contact and the things that need to be discussed. The delay has almost been a blessing as I believe the info regarding the ASSH is an ace-in-the-hole.

So where do you wanna start? Whatcha got?


05/11/2006 23:47

not registered

05/11/2006 23:47

not registered

Rolling up our sleeves

This morning I went to the ASSH found the page with the courses then forwarded it to Dr. G in London with the following letter:

Dear Dr G

Needle Aponeurotomy, the minimally invasive technique for treating Dupuytren's Contracture is being presented along with other non-invasive techiniqes at teh 61st Annual Convention for the Amercian Society for Surgery of the Hand on Septempter 7 2006 in Washington DC. The instructional Couse entitled 'Management of Dupuytren's Contracture: What is true and What is new' will be Chaired by Dr. Charles Eaton (Florida). His Faculty includeds Drs. Lawerence Hurst (Stony Brook NY) Heinrich Seegenschmeidt (Germany), Paul Zidel(Florida), Gary Pess(New Jersey) adn Keith Denkler (California). Information about this course can be found under course code IC10.

Needle Aponeurotomy is covered by all major insurance companies in the United States, has been accepted by N.I.C.E www.nice.org.uk and the British Society for Surgery of the Hand www.bssh.ac.uk. It is a viable treatment option. Please consider attending.


The logo for the convention appears nicely but would be better if there were less words in my letter as the logo only appears after you scroll down past my name. The next letter will be shorter so the picture is visable as you read making that curiosity emotion kick into play for a longer period of time.

Hope this helps as a first draft to all. Frances

05/11/2006 23:01

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05/11/2006 23:01

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~dq~empower the patients~dq~

Hi Frances,
I must have missed something. Who is this Dr G in London?

05/11/2006 23:36

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05/11/2006 23:36

not registered

~dq~empower the patients~dq~

Dr G is a researcher who I contacted last year. During my correspondence with him he requested that I not use his full name on the net. Fair enough. I posted a copy of the letter that I sent so others who read can decide if they wish to do something similar.

My next letter will be shorter to accomodate the logo.


05/24/2006 23:47

not registered

05/24/2006 23:47

not registered

~dq~empower the patients~dq~

Hi All,
As an explanantion for not responding to you Frances or others....I've been away from the computer for quite a spell now and rather unfortunately I let business and other matters take precedence over doing anything concerning NA.
To the point: I had NA with Dr. Kline in March. I plan on submitting the bill for reimbursement and I know that it will be rejected. So the fight will be on with the BC Health Care system. However, the reason for this is that I am experiencing an aggresive onslaught of DC in my right hand and I'm nearly certain that I will be in Jupiter or Oregon within another year so getting the ball rolling for NA here in BC or Alberta is my objective.
When i was first diagnosed with DC I contacted a hand surgeon in Vancouver( Well, the receptionist anyway) and was told that I could make an appointment for a $400 consultation fee with the appointment within a few weeks or get a referral and wait in line, probably 4 to 6 months. So we already have private health care!!!
When I first started researching DC I came across the following: http://www.camagazine.com/index.cfm/ci_id/6604/la_id/1.htm
This is an interesting take on the matter at hand(pun intended)and you'll note it was written in 2001. Ultimately this article was responsible for me wanting to know more about the proceedure discussed and eventually getting to this point.
Anway, those of you that have taken the initiative to get Cdn. doctors to look at the information on NA I applaud your efforts. I have met reistence and skepticism. My experience with a referral to Binhammer was disappointing and I discredit the system that fosters his type of attitude.
Anyway, I'll keep trying to get somewhere with this... any pointers from anybody on getting a doctor to look at the material will be appreciated.

05/24/2006 23:58

not registered

05/24/2006 23:58

not registered

~dq~empower the patients~dq~

Hi Ken,

Good to see you back. Where would you like to start?


05/24/2006 23:51
Randy H.

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05/24/2006 23:51
Randy H.

not registered

~dq~empower the patients~dq~

Wow Ken, what an article you turned us on to. It's more about the medical mess in Canada that Dups, but this guy had his act together Pre-Eaton (2001). To me the most significant line is:

"our healthcare system should be subject to the discipline of competition and empower the patients in their dealings with doctors and hospitals."

We've clearly show here that empowering patients works to the advantage of all. A fundamental change in the way our disease is treated has come about in North America for one reason, and one reason only. This site empowered patitents. Also, we have the choice of the doctor and the procedure we want to use. This knowledge, and the freedom to literally "vote" with our hands for NA is changing the medical establishment.

Do any of the Canadian CHS have respect for the American Society for Surgery of The Hand? I don't know if they are allowed to join or even want to. This Society is Ground Zero for this profession in the US. I might even go as far to say that because the ASSH had not approved or recognized the role of that "French Thing" (NA), that is the ultimate authority and source of much of the bad press NA has had in the past. Knowing this Eaton, is going straight at them with his "Reality Check". If you can get just a few Canadian CHS to go to Eaton's session in September at the annual ASSH conference, you may get somewhere.

Unfortunately, according the article by By Marcel Côté, you'll have a harder time in than we've had in the US.

However, balancing this out, you do have Francis!

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~dq~empower   Dupuytren   night=$316CDNx7days   healthcare   surgeons   presentation   Society   Frances   misinformation   qualifications   Ontario   unfortunately   surgery   doctors   Contracture   American   ace-in-the-hole   surgeon   Canadian   patients~dq~