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06/08/2005 23:46

not registered

06/08/2005 23:46

not registered

yeah...it~sq~s back to Dr. Eaton again..what a shocka!1

a lot of things have been practiced for 30 years..it doesn't mean they're safe. New readers...go with traditional and forget these people being paid by dr. EEEAATTTTONNNN....gee have you heard that name enough on this site?

06/08/2005 23:23

not registered

06/08/2005 23:23

not registered

Check It Out.

Shaniqua, how do you know that posters on this forum are paid by Dr. Eaton? Do you have any proof of this whatsoever? Since all will know you don't, any and all claims you make will be known as fantasy or a lie.

Give up, a new and better day has come for DC sufferers.

06/08/2005 23:15

not registered

06/08/2005 23:15

not registered

Check It Out.

I can understand some degree of skepticism about this site since I too was skeptical at first. I even wondered if there might be "ringers" posting here. Nevertheless, on balance the nature of the posts plus Dr. Eaton's website led me to give NA a try. I did. I went to Florida (all the way from California) and had a successful and relatively painless NA job done on my hands. I was delighted with the results.

Another indication of the authenticity of this site is the fact that anyone can post anyting, such as Shaniqua's comments, and such comments will appear, however cirtical, and remain unedited.

A few, seemingly, too-good-to-be-true things in life are real. NA is one of them.


06/08/2005 23:13

not registered

06/08/2005 23:13

not registered

Check It Out.


Have a look at the discussions abut NA on these other sites. If you report back that they are all paid off by the <<<World Wide NA Conspiracy For The Damage of American Hands>>, your paranoia will be apparent to all. Have a look Shaniqua:

"Needle aponeurotomy is a form of fasciotomy that is done as an outpatient procedure with local anesthesia. While it has been done for several years in France, it is just being introduced in the United States."


Same Quote: http://hvelink.saintlukeshealthsystem.org/library/healthguide/en-us/illnessconditions/topic.asp?hwid=support/ue4615

"Sometimes the surgeon can release the scarred tissue by carefully cutting it with a needle. This procedure is referred to as a Needle Aponeurotomy."

"There are now some surgeons in the United States that are performing a French technique called Needle Aponeurotomy, also called 'Needle Fasciotomy', in place of traditional surgery. Dr. Charles Eaton of Jupiter, Florida has performed over 800 of these procedures....."

"Techniques have been tested to minimize the wounds created by surgery, such reducing pain and side effects. The drawback is typically that the re-occurrence rate is higher. Such techniques are e.g. segmental aponeurectomy (cf. the thesis of Moermans cited below) or needle aponeurotomy."

Excellent info for all of us: http://www.dupuytren-online.info/10701.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*

06/08/2005 23:19

not registered

06/08/2005 23:19

not registered

Check it out


if you had your way no new methodologies would be introduced in almost any fields of medicine.
An amputation would still be carried out by giving the patient (victim!)a slug of Whisky and a rag to bite. Oh and then dip the stump in tar and without any backup penicillin.

06/11/2005 23:40
06/11/2005 23:40
Another View on $$$$

Yep do as sheq says go pay way more for a surgery that doesn't cure the problemn any more than NA does just fill the pockets of the DRs that don't want you to have NA because it costs a fraction and does the same hey even keeps the PT in work to so toss some more cash there way.
Surgery should be a last resort NA gives you the chance to choose a diffrent avenue does it really matter what the name of the DR is. Mine was done by DR PESS when are you going to blast him. Good health care is about options NA is just another we have. For some it will work others i'm sure it won't as with conventional surgery. Pull your head out of your ass and smell the roses.

06/11/2005 23:41
Randy H.

not registered

06/11/2005 23:41
Randy H.

not registered

Another View on $$$$


Congrats on being Dr. Press' successful "first try" thumb patient. Obviously NA is a walk in the park for any good CHS who has had some basic training in the procedure. Compared to what they normally have to go through with OS, NA is simple. Eaton called it "crude" (but effective) by comparison.

I want to suggest is that the resistance to NA is not primarily *financial*. If you do the math, the actual dollars per hour the CHS makes doing NA with one attending nurse is roughly equivalent to what he makes in the OR. OS is far more expensive because it is far far more complex. Who loses money when the choice for NA is made are the hospitals, the team of other attending doctors and nurses (there seemed to be a bevy of them hovering around my table before the drugs kicked in), and the PTs. At $700 per hour, working from his office, NA is profitable enough for the CHS. Some here have actually called it profiteering!

At the end of the day I believe CHS have what *they* feel is a very legit concern about nerve damage. They happen to have bad information on that as we know. Only verifiable data from a few thousand American NA procedures will change that notion, as well as the issue of an unacceptable rate of recurrence. As you may know, that data is on the way for 2006.

I am certainly open to have my mind changed by arguments from an opposing view.

Again, congrats. And thanks for helping to add to Dr. P's experience and ability! Someone has to be every CHS's first Thumb!

06/11/2005 23:33

not registered

06/11/2005 23:33

not registered


Megan I would love to see your pics. I am a 34 year old male with dups in left little finger and right ring finger. Saw Dr. Pess. He released the right hand. Had not to much luck with the pinky. It's still at 90 degress. I agree that a lot of the people on this message board super promote NA. I however have it so bad in my pinky that I cant see it getting fixed with NA. Gonna try and find a surgeon in LA. I don't have insurance so i need to figure something out. Get at me with the pics. Thanks again.

09/19/2006 23:43

not registered

09/19/2006 23:43

not registered

NA procedure

If you need a doctor for NA in Richmond, VA here are two:

Dr. Sanjay S. Desai 804-288-3136 WestEnd Orthopedic Clinic
Dr. Dave Cannon 804-730-2121 Memorial Regional Med Center

09/19/2006 23:46

not registered

09/19/2006 23:46

not registered

NA procedure

read this:
Dear Lori, I have been doing this procedure for about two and a half years and have done close to 200 at last count. I usually request pictures, which you can e-mail to this address, before making an appointment. Let me know if I can be of assistance. WLBourland, MD

William Bourland in Memphis, TN
Bill Bourland bourland@orthomemphis.com


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