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Has it outlived its usefulness?
02/28/2005 23:56
Walt Stagner

not registered

02/28/2005 23:56
Walt Stagner

not registered

Has it outlived its usefulness?

Hello everyone. As some of you may know, I've had a Dupuytren's web page posted here: http://www.wstagner.com/
since April of 2001. I don't visit this forum very often and I rely on those who do to keep me updated.
If my web page info is not current, it is of little value, especially if there are now more Paris-trained NA practitioners here in the USA. I'd especially like to be contacted by any new practicing doctors so that I can give them a link from my page.

However, if that's unnessary because everyone follows this forum, I'll probably disable my pages at the end of March or April 2005.

02/28/2005 23:28

not registered

02/28/2005 23:28

not registered


That would be fine. You have been helpful, thanks. Go ahead and disable.

02/28/2005 23:26
George Barbarow

not registered

02/28/2005 23:26
George Barbarow

not registered

More Web Pages the Better

Hi Walt:

You can keep your web site updated and add names of hand
surgeons now doing NA.

I keep my page up just because I feel the more Web Sites the better the chance we can help someone with DC.

Links to Dr Eaton.s and others might help someone avoid painful surgery, splints and physical therapy.

02/28/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered

02/28/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered

Thanks Walt!!!!

Walt, to say you have been "Helpful" is a Grand Understatement. You have to be described as one of the "Elders" of the American NA movement. It was, as I believe, *your* video that would up in Eaton's hands and got him going in the first place. Yes, now that Eaton has the cats meow of a web site, yours is no longer standing as the loan beacon.

But there still is one thing your site brings to the table, and that is *Independence*. You can't be accused of having anything personally to gain. Second, the more portals in existence to snag and educate the Newbie Dups Web Surfer the better. Third, you aren't too badly placed on search engines. Why give that up? Lastly, I know you are a proponent of "French Training Only". You might want to keep a running tally so we don't have to keep posting the growing list of American names. We can just refer to you.

Just my thoughts. But then again, you *did* complete *your* mission. Maybe you want to just declare Victory and move on.

In any case thanks Again. I'm flying to Florida next month, not France. Good on You mate.

Randy H.

02/28/2005 23:38

not registered

02/28/2005 23:38

not registered

Thanks for all the hard work

Hi Walt,

I agree with Randy. You are an independent website and if this one ever got closed, DC sufferers would be in the dark with respect to personal testimonies....etc.

Plus...you are a forefather to the NA momement and it's nice to know you are still around, even if you are not active on this site anymore.


02/28/2005 23:45

not registered

02/28/2005 23:45

not registered

your website

Your site is VALUABLE. So is this forum, but...

As a person in very beginning stage, I keep sifting through the forum and get more of the picture each time but it requires LOTS of separating out wheat from chaff.

Your site gives some good, solid, helpful information without requiring the detective work of searching through sometimes very tangled up threads!

Perhaps you might post to the forum every month or so just to alert/remind people that your site exists and also REQUEST that you be sent any new info. from the forum that your site hasn't received!

I for one have just ordered a newly published book about iodine because it I found it when doing a search for Dupuytrens and see from the blurb that the author makes a connection with Dup. If I find anyt useful info. or clues I will certainly both post on forum and e-mail info to you as well.

I hope you'll stay on board!!!


02/28/2005 23:34
Stage One

not registered

02/28/2005 23:34
Stage One

not registered

Say it ain~sq~t so!

Walt, thank you, thank you and thank you. Your site introduced me to NA after my internist diagnosed DD/DC and
provided a referral to a plastic surgeon. On my own I
consulted a Hand Surgeon at Mass. General Hosp. who suggested Biospecifics Coallegenase treatment. My internet
searchs led me to your site and later Biospecifics. The
Badois site was most instrumental in leading me to (IMO)
appropriate treatment (NA.) The options have expanded and
more treatment is available even as "collagenase" seems
less specific to DD/DC.
I would not have found the "list" and treatment by the
Lariboisiere Group (specifically, Dr. Badois) were it not
for you site and contribution(s.) Again, thank you.
Bottom line: the Badois site is permanently "down." The
Biospecific site is "short-lived" because it is a collagenase site. Where else might one turn if your site
disappears? If finances are involved, then fold. If there is a nominal cost of maintenance involved, then persist.
Solicit some donations and judge for yourself whether the
site deserves maintainence. I can assure you that no comparable porthole exists for NA information.
Finally; I second Randy's kudos. You have been a Godsend
to people who lacked informaation about options when faced
with a serious and little understood malady.
My hat is off to you whatever you decide to do. Thanks.

02/28/2005 23:15

not registered

02/28/2005 23:15

not registered

what I really need is help

Really appreciate the kind words, but as I said, I need YOUR help and especially the doctors, to keep me informed with WHO is performing NA that we don't already know about.
A simple email with such information would help keep my info current. Otherwise the site is of limited use.

permanently   especially   Paris-trained   information   Understatement   Biospecifics   contribution   independent   Coallegenase   testimonies   treatment   collagenase   Biospecific   instrumental   Lariboisiere   Independence   specifically   maintainence   practitioners   informaation