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NA in London
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06/30/2006 23:46
06/30/2006 23:46
Dupuytrens contracture

Hi Marjorie
My frined is back from Paris after having his hands treated by Dr Badois. Left almost perfect! Right not so much but at least he can hold a glass which he couldn´t before. Back for second session in October. He is absolutely delighted.
His Doctor in Kent is very impressed but says a GP cannot train to do NA in the UK.......?

07/07/2006 23:43

not registered

07/07/2006 23:43

not registered

Dupuytrens contracture

Hi Marilyn,
Sorry for the delay in replying, I have been on holiday.
How good that your friend is pleased with the treatment.
Maybe the GP in question cannot train to do NA but, he could surely pressure one or more of his Consultant colleagues to go to Paris and train.

08/18/2006 23:05

not registered

08/18/2006 23:05

not registered

Dupuytrens contracture

Well folks, that's another hurdle jumped and failed. The Health Commission turned me down for payment of my NA treatment. Now I have approached the Health Ombudsman who are deciding if they will take up my case.
I have given up trying to get the Government to listen and get someone trained to do NA in the UK. Instead I have approached the Opposition and have had a much better response.
"Thank you so much for writing to David Cameron. He is most grateful to you for your comments on needle aponeurotomy. We are keeping a careful eye on issues relating to the NHS services and this example is very useful. I have ensured that your letter has been drawn to the attention of our Shadow health team so that they are aware of the issue concerning 'needle aponeurotomy' Thank you again for writing and for drawing our attention to this important issue"
Well, we will see where that gets us.

08/19/2006 23:26

not registered

08/19/2006 23:26

not registered

Dupuytrens contracture

Hi Marjorie

I read on here somewhere about NA being done at an NHS hospital but information was impossible to come by. I've asked for details under FOI. I'll let you know if I hear anything or I need to go further down the line. They have 20 working days to respond which means that I should have some sort of reply in early September?

08/20/2006 23:11
08/20/2006 23:11
Dr. Badois

Hi Barry,
I have no personal knowledge of Dr Badois. Having said that I have only heard good things about him.
I know Dr Lermusiaux personally. He is the kindest most gentle person I have met in a long time. He explains everything he does and will answer any question one may have.
I am not surprised that you got no sense out of the people you saw in Chester. Most people do not understand or have any info about Dupuytren's. I had the same problem when I asked my hand surgeon what he thought about NA. He just dismissed it. Luckily, I took no notice of the scepticism he showed and went to Paris to test NA for myself. NA may need to be repeated more often than surgery but it is so quick and the only pain is from the anaesthetic injection.
Some people need to have NA done every year, some go for 5 years, depends how lucky you are. My finger was a mess when I went for my first NA but Dr L managed to straighten it.
He did warn me that it would need treating more often as I had waited too long for the first treatment. This was the fault of the surgeon I saw who said I had to wait until the finger was far enough gone for surgery.
Enjoy your trip to Paris.

08/21/2006 23:37

not registered

08/21/2006 23:37

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Dr. Badois


I have been treated by Dr. Badois last June, and the experience was excellent. Don't have any doubt, you are doing the right thing.
Good luck,


08/21/2006 23:11

not registered

08/21/2006 23:11

not registered


Hi Marjorie,

Thank you for all your work. I must say that I admire your methodical approach to this problem. Your contribution to the NA cause will undoubtedly produce results.

Good Luck and God Bless,


08/21/2006 23:37

not registered

08/21/2006 23:37

not registered


Hi Frances,
Thanks for that. I am doing my best but it is hard as I seem to take two steps forward and one back. I have been at this since June 2005. The only good thing is that some people from the UK have listened, have been for NA and have no regrets.

08/21/2006 23:15
Barry Shaw

not registered

08/21/2006 23:15
Barry Shaw

not registered


Hi Frank Thank you for your reply I am now looking foreward to the Paris trip. Many thanks Barry

08/24/2006 23:18
08/24/2006 23:18
Dr Badois

Hi Barry
Just to reassure you that Dr Badois gives excellent NA treatment. I have been to him three times (twice for left hand, once for right) and will be going again within the next year. Just follow his instructions and you´ll find the surgery easily.
all the best

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