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03/07/2005 23:53
Rich Mortensen

not registered

03/07/2005 23:53
Rich Mortensen

not registered

One year in April

My left pinky was at 90 degrees and now coming up on a 1 year anniversery in April since Dr. Eaton fixed.. It went from 90 degrees to 0 degrees and is still 0 degrees. I showed it to my hand surgeon who wanted to do surgery and he just shook his head and asked how did I keep from getting nerve damage.. Another clueless micro-hand surgeon!

03/08/2005 23:22
Randy H.

not registered

03/08/2005 23:22
Randy H.

not registered

The Great Puba

Rich and Don,

If you look at Eaton's own site you will see a calculator of what can be expected from a PIP release. Be it 45 or 90, even Eaton, when he wrote these predictions of what was to be expected, *never* gave out hope that Zero was possible. Either you guys are Freaks of Nature or Eaton has learned how, in over 800 procedures, to exceed even his own expectations.

Yes, Rich, your highly trained and experienced surgeon is *clueless*. Not his fault. For me, the experience of being a participant on this site has been a real Paradigm Shift / Eye Opener. How could it be that what so many of us have experienced "first hand" is *flat out* impossible in the minds of those who influence your now ex-surgeon? How could the best of the best in their field have completely *dismissed* the short stocky Frenchman with a simple syringe and a golden 30 year track record? Some suggest Pride, Arrogance, Greed, Simple Tradition. Any way you add it all up, and it doesn't look good. Even now I hesitate to approach my now ex-surgeon with what I can only assume will be the adequate Eatonization of my curling Right. I dare not confuse him with the facts. What.......is this some kind of X-File?

Frankly I don't know and I don't care. All I care about is that I now have a good shot of avoiding what happened to my Left and moving on.

Actually that's not true. There is something else, running a close second. I happen to be the rare statistic who is still trying to recover from my first Dups surgery two years ago. Like a patient on full anesthesia, my Left has yet to wake up. It happens sometimes. "Off the Chart" says my famous LA surgeon.

Yes, I understand, but *I'm* still batting 0 for 1. Now the only thing that will shut me up regarding the continued needless Dups surgery going on every day in this country and elsewhere is Eaton (pardon my language) "Screwing the Pooch" on my Right in Early April. Like so many of you who have trusted the overwhelming testimonies found *only* on this site and gone "outside" the current surgical box, I'm next.

WARNING: The above comments have not been evaluated by the Surgeon General, the FDA or the Great Puba of the American Society of Hand Surgeons. Traditional Open Invasive Hand Surgery is the only proven method of correcting Dups contractions. All other methods under the Sun have been rigorously scientifically tested and proven to be Snake Oil.

03/08/2005 23:05
Ken Oppenheim

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03/08/2005 23:05
Ken Oppenheim

not registered

NA follow up

Yes, I went from 50 measure with a protractor to near zero with a relaxed hand and to zero making an effort to do so. Had the proceudure done on Friday and the following Monday showed it to my local hand surgeon. I wanted him to see it soon after the surgery because to the uneducated eye, which was everyone in my dental office that day, you could not tell that anything was ever wrong or that anything had been done. I am doing the stretching Dr Eaton prescribed in the mannor he describes and hope to get to zero when just relaxed. But that is just a compulsion, because basically, the finger is normal now.

03/08/2005 23:20
Don Westin

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03/08/2005 23:20
Don Westin

not registered


As I have said before, if anyone doubts my claims I will gladly send you before and after pictures of my little DD finger that Dr. Eaton treated. I had it done in mid January 2004 so he had not as much experiance then as he has now.

03/08/2005 23:54

not registered

03/08/2005 23:54

not registered

open hand 2x!

Dear Dr Oppenheim,

Congrats on your hands. :-)


04/20/2005 23:56
Michael Kays

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04/20/2005 23:56
Michael Kays

not registered

open hand 2x!

Two yeara ago I had both hands (one after the other) surgically repaired for Dupuytens..went from 45 degrees to zero in both hands..no nerve damage..great hand surgeon on west coast..reoccurance of right middle finger extended to pip pulling middle into ring finger..my previous surgeon not with HMO..so appealed "continuum of care" but was denied..new surgeon provided surgery..gap in right palm after 4 days after sutures broke prematurely..and permanent numbness extending from middle of palm up through pip of middle finger..at one week post op he said numbness normal will go ahead..at 3 weeks its not permanent..what changed? I have read nerve damage can be repaired if identified and microsurgically repaired during surgery..

04/20/2005 23:58
Michael Kays

not registered

04/20/2005 23:58
Michael Kays

not registered

nerve damage

sorry for typos above..after oneweek surgeon said numbness normal..will go away..after three weeks post op he said it was permanent..

04/20/2005 23:53

not registered

04/20/2005 23:53

not registered

The Real Issue

Sorry to hear about your nerve damage Michael.


05/05/2005 23:56
Randy H.

not registered

05/05/2005 23:56
Randy H.

not registered

The Real Issue

Now, least I am rebutted as a OS "Basher", I have now seen a case with my own eyes and have no reason to doubt the individual testimonies found here of great success with OS. It must remain an option for *me* on the chance that the NA alternative does not do the trick in my case in the future.

As a sample size of *1*, the fact that I have permanent nerve damage from OS is *meaningless*. However, when given a larger sample size (>1,000) the underlying statistical probabilities begin to emerge. What *is* significant is that overall there is shown to be about a 5% chance of nerve damage associated with OS. The French study on NA, however, reports a nerve damage rate of .05% (1 in 2,000). We're just over 1,000 NAs in the US so far, so it's no wonder we have Zip Damage reported at this point.

This widespread and legitimate concern on the part of most CHS regarding uncontrollable nerve damage from a "Blind Procedure" (NA) will dissolve in light of the highly credible data that will be presented to them at their convention in 2006. I believe the *real* issue will be NA's actual track record for higher rates of recurrence. We will not have *that* for comparison to OS until we have data > 5 years, and more importantly, >10. For now, we just don't know.

Nerve damage is clearly *not* the problem.

05/07/2005 23:24
George Barbarow

not registered

05/07/2005 23:24
George Barbarow

not registered

N A Eighteen months later

That Dr Eaton has performed more than 1000 NA procedures and we do not know of any poor results is a credit to his

As NA becomes more popular; it seems likely that some
hand and even cosmetic surgeons will attempt the procedure.

That in my opinion may be cause for concern

Now eighteen months after Dr. Eaton din my hand I continue to be able to use it in a normal fashion with only a slight indication that new bands are forming.

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aponeurotomy   because   probability   procedures   information   probabilities   contractions   experienced   presentation   degrees   procedure   surgery   contraction   insurance   uncontrollable   surgeon   Prercutaneous   complications   microsurgically   scientifically