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The Site is a Scam
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02/07/2005 23:04
Just Me

not registered

02/07/2005 23:04
Just Me

not registered

The Site is a Scam

To all and any newcomers to this site who are afflicted with DC, it needs to be said that this site has turned into a complete scam and is only being used to direct would-be patients to the NA procedure. Search the web and go to the real web sites. The National Institutes of Health has a good web site for rare dieases and a google search will deliver a wealth of information.

As for this site, I'm done with it. All it is a commerical for NA and I'm not sure that there more than 3 or 4 people really posting here. Some with many personalities. So much for the power of the internet.

For the record, I developed duputren's about four years ago and quickly had several fingers severly bent. The operation went well and anyone considering it should not put off by what you read on this site. The site is rigged. Look for help elsewhere. I will.

02/09/2005 23:49
Genuine poster

not registered

02/09/2005 23:49
Genuine poster

not registered

This site is a Godsend

What a complete load of rubbish.

Disgruntled surgeon by chance? Sounds like it to me.

Try having one of your fingers deformed by surgery. Then say NA is a waste of time.

With the number of posts on this site, how can you say there are only 3 or 4 people posting messages just to promote NA?

You are totally insensitive to those traumatised by this disease.

If I do nothing else in my life I would feel happy if I could save one person from unnecessary surgery. It is the worst mistake I have ever made in my life, and I have made a few!

02/09/2005 23:06

not registered

02/09/2005 23:06

not registered

Just Me

'Just me' maybe one of the hand surgeons losing business as the DC afflicted make a smarter and less riskier choice instead of having their hand eviscerated.

Granted Gary/Sean waxes endlessly about the marvels of surgery, but there are many more (and no I don't believe they are all the same person) that have suffered from infection, pain, excess scar tissue, months of rehab, etc. etc. etc.

"Just Me" , you're doing the rest of us a favor by not posting here. Good Riddance!

02/09/2005 23:44
Randy H.

not registered

02/09/2005 23:44
Randy H.

not registered

Commercial Break

I'm not sure what "Just Me's" point was. Yes, NA gets a lot of air time here, but that's because this is the *only* site on the Planet geared to innovative treatment of the disease. If our Host's product (Collegenase Injections) were on the market we'd be talking abut *that*. Instead we discuss what *is* currently available as an alternative to Open Surgery. All those of us who favor NA want to do is make the information available. Why would someone *not* want information regarding a proven alternative to surgery made known? My agenda is clear. So what's *that* about?

And now...............on to the "Commercial" :) :)

See: http://www.handcenter.org/newfile16.htm

02/09/2005 23:39
Randy H.

not registered

02/09/2005 23:39
Randy H.

not registered

just myself

That should read "only site geared to THE OPEN DISCUSSION OF innovative treatment" (No offense Walt, Dave and others)

02/15/2005 23:38

not registered

02/15/2005 23:38

not registered

just myself

If it wasn't for this site, I would never have learned about NA. In time, I would have reverted to traditional surgery (Heaven Forbid!) I just returned from Dr. Eaton's office where he did my NA on 2/10. I am thrilled at the results. I was his 800th NA procedure. "Just me" get lost. We know what we are talking about here.

02/15/2005 23:25
Just Myself

not registered

02/15/2005 23:25
Just Myself

not registered

just myself

You see! The same 3 or 4 disgruntled individuals using different names all denigrating the high art that Fasciectomy has become. 800 procedure? Try 8,000,000 Fasciectomies, 99.9% of which with flawless results. No nerve damage, no scar build up, no residual swelling, no side effects, perfectly straight fingers and no reoccurrence. It's an outrage that such a few people on this site would attempt to hoodwink the newcomer with their half truths, and scare tactics. People, needles are for Voodoo Dolls, not fingers. None of this blind procedure with a high rate of reoccurrence for me. My surgery went like clock work. By the book. No pain to speak of. And now, just three months later, I can't even see the little scar, and my fingers are perfect. Perfect I tell you. You few crybabies ought to grow up. What, afraid of a little cut in you hand? Get over it!

************JUST KIDDING************** :)

Randy H.

02/15/2005 23:18

not registered

02/15/2005 23:18

not registered

just myself

i had surgery 2 weeks ago, my fingers are not straight yet.

were your fingers straight immediately, or did it take time
please rsply thanks

02/15/2005 23:20
No Name

not registered

02/15/2005 23:20
No Name

not registered


Randy or whoever posted that message. Shame on you. What a terrible thing to do. Whoever Randy is or posts to that name should just go away. All others should ignore Randy. He is not worth the time of day.

As to the question. My fingers have been straight since surgery and show no signs of contractures reforming where they were removed and so far, so good. Its important to follow PT, even when you want to avoid it.

After nearly a year I'm pleased with the result and everyone connected with my surgery were completely professional, showed concern about my care and are very supportive.

02/15/2005 23:20
No Name

not registered

02/15/2005 23:20
No Name

not registered


Randy or whoever posted that message. Shame on you. What a terrible thing to do. Whoever Randy is or posts to that name should just go away. All others should ignore Randy. He is not worth the time of day.

As to the question. My fingers have been straight since surgery and show no signs of contractures reforming where they were removed and so far, so good. Its important to follow PT, even when you want to avoid it. It took a few weeks for the fingers to straigthened out, so give some time.

After nearly a year I'm pleased with the result and everyone connected with my surgery were completely professional, showed concern about my care and are very supportive.

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