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Wish me luck!
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02/04/2005 23:11

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02/04/2005 23:11

not registered

Wish me luck!

I am leaving in four hours for Jupiter - by way of Las Vegas and Atlanta. I am very excited to get the DD in my left hand "fixed". After all the glowing reviews I have read here, I have no doubt that he will be able to relieve my hand with NA. I'll be posting when I return on 2/12th.
Anyone else have the procedure scheduled for Feb. 10th? I just might see you in his office. C-ya..

02/04/2005 23:01
Randy H.

not registered

02/04/2005 23:01
Randy H.

not registered

Say Hi for Me.


Please, if you can, giver us details such as what finger joints, beginning and ending (improved) degrees of contracture, and the history of your disease.

You Go Girl.


02/13/2005 23:03

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02/13/2005 23:03

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I~sq~m home with straight fingers! Yippee!!

Had a very successful NA procedure from Dr. Eaton. Very personable, as is the rest of his staff. My main problem was my little finger on my left hand. (I'm left handed). My hand looked exactly like the one on Dr. Eaton's website. I could not put my hand flat on a table. He treated my little finger and my ring finger. I left his office with 7 little round bandaids and a small ice pack on my hand. No pain after I left the office. A little pain during the procedure, but I am a wimpy patient anyway. It was well worth it! I can now place my hand flat on the table, am able to clap my hands which I have not been able to do for a long time. He took before and after pics of my hand and I can't believe the difference. My friend and I stayed at the Wellsley Inn in Jupiter. Good rates and within 5 minutes of Dr. Eaton's office. I would be glad to e-mail my own before and after pics to anyone who cares. :) The trip from California to Florida was well worth the time, even though the Airlines lost all our luggage somewhere in Georgia... I'm supposed to get it today sometime. I would recommend Dr. Eaton and his wonderful staff to anyone. While there, I met a dentist from New Mexico who was having NA done to both hands, and another man who had traveled there for the same procedure. My total charge was $1,200.00 for everything. I'm sure my insurance will cover it but even if they don't, it is a small price to pay for such success. I am back to work today with absolutely NO pain and flexibility galore. I am so thankful I found this discussion forum.

02/15/2005 23:56

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02/15/2005 23:56

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Dr. Eaton

I had the NA procedure from Dr. Eaton last week and played golf 2 days later. I went from a 30 degree ring and little finger to a completely flat hand. He injected the nodules with cortisone and they have already substantially decreased in size. Peggy is correct in her take on Dr. Eaton and his fine staff.
We stayed at the Best Western where there were 4 other people from out of state checked in for the same reason. Just after we entered our room the desk clerk called to see if I'd like to meet a man from Baltimore who just returned from Dr. Eaton's office. His fingers were more than 45 degrees and after the NA session were completely flat.

I enjoyed body surfing in the warm ocean water of Southern Florida but I'm glad that I live in beautiful Ventura County California.

02/15/2005 23:40

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02/15/2005 23:40

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I am so happy about your successful NA, Tommy. I was Dr. Eaton's 800th NA procedure. Did he tell you what number you were?

02/20/2005 23:04
Bill Poole

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02/20/2005 23:04
Bill Poole

not registered


I had the needle in Paris 5- years ago but its back and would like to have more information onsomeone that can do it in the US.

02/20/2005 23:09

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02/20/2005 23:09

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Back from Jupiter

Troll is back.

02/20/2005 23:15

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02/20/2005 23:15

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Back from Jupiter

I drove to Dr. Eaton’s office this morning (about 100 miles) and got back home around 2PM. The ring and little fingers on my left hand had a 40-degree bend. In about 30 minutes he had all the fingers on the hand straightened to completely flat. There was a small bit of pain, but quite bearable. Dr. Eaton is a very personable and very enjoyable. We held a conversation during the complete procedure. I now have 5 small Band-Aids where he made the cuts. Most of the feeling is returning to the fingers. As of right now I am really happy with the procedure.

I had a regular hand operation about 5 years ago on the same hand, which had about the same bend as this time. The results of the first operation were very satisfactory except the recovery time was a couple of months. I expect to be able to use my hand by the end of this week. The problem had returned in about 4 years and when I talked with the surgeon about the fix this time, he started to talk about blood vessels being destroyed and skin grafts. I lost interest very quickly.

I plan to get the right hand fixed in April.

Dr. Eaton told me that Dr. Zidel who works with him does the same procedures and also studied in Paris.

02/21/2005 23:44

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02/21/2005 23:44

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I had a 45 minutes NA session with Dr. Eaton on 2-11. He also deserves kudos for finding common ground and carrying the conversation during the entire procedure. That's a true art in itself!

03/06/2005 23:00

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03/06/2005 23:00

not registered

Jumping on Plane in 4 hrs to see Dr. Eaton

It has now been 2 weeks since I had NA by Dr. Eaton. The hand is now well and I have resumed full use of it. The fingers are completely straight and back to where they were before this disease started. No loss of feeling. The severed cord has greatly reduced in size. Not counting gasoline the cost was $700. The HMO wouldn't pay for it.

Thanks to Dr. Eaton and his staff!


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