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Needle Aponeurotomy
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08/03/2006 23:30
08/03/2006 23:30
Needle Aponeurotomy

I just had the procedure done by Dr Eaton at Jupiter Hand Center. http://handcenter.org/ I highly reccomend. My procedure was done on Aug 1st. 30 minute consult 15 minute procedure $800.00. Virtually NO pain.

08/20/2006 23:00

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08/20/2006 23:00

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needle aponeurotmy

Thanks Jimmy for the information about Dr. Eaton in Jupiter...I did see a hand surgeon here in Florida who diagnosed me with DC and he said surgery would be indicated once my fingers were completely contracted. I first developed a nodule on left ring finger nuckle at the age of 48. An internal medicine doctor I worked for diagnosed it as arthritis. Next, nodules developed on my right middle finger and right pinky. Then came the lump in the palm of my right hand, now I had very obvious chords and can't flatten my hand and everything is pulling to the right. The diagnosis for DC was made about four years ago. I am of Northern European descent and I am a drinker. I met a woman of English descent in Australia who also has DC and also likes a fine red wine. I have a nodule on my right foot, I didn't know that nodules could develope there, but after reading the discussions here I am now curious about whether it is DC also.

11/19/2006 23:54
Bob Hayes

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11/19/2006 23:54
Bob Hayes

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Dupuytrens Contraction

Trying to locate someone in central Florida that performs Needle Aponeurotomy as a solution rather than invasive surgery. I know there is a Hand Center in Jupiter but that is quite a ride.

11/22/2006 23:56
Steve Abrams

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11/22/2006 23:56
Steve Abrams

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You Have it Easy

Bob -

Your pretty lucky to have Eaton a couple of hours drive away. Two years ago I flew to Jupiter from my home in Wisconsin to have NA done.


11/23/2006 23:35
Randy H.

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11/23/2006 23:35
Randy H.

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You Have it Easy


I came from Los Angeles to see Eaton. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, except that Denkler is the West Coast expert at this point. Look at travel expense as just part of the cost of the treatment. If you've been through OS recovery, a day or two out of pocket is nothing.

11/27/2006 23:45

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11/27/2006 23:45

not registered


Steve you said you had the proceedure 2 yrs. ago and I wondered how it is 2 yrs later

11/27/2006 23:51

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11/27/2006 23:51

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I was looking for someone who had the NA proceedure 1 year ago or moe to see how they were doing. I have talked to several people that had the proceedure recently that were really excited

11/27/2006 23:59

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11/27/2006 23:59

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treatment by Dr. Eaton


Read the topic that Randy mentioned

11/27/2006 23:27

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11/27/2006 23:27

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thanks,but I have talked to several people that have recently had the eaton proceedure but was interested in someone that had it 1 year or more ago

11/27/2006 23:11
George Barbaow

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11/27/2006 23:11
George Barbaow

not registered

Three years since ~dq~Miraculous Change~dq~

Dr. Eaton did my hand Nov 10,2003 I posted experience 10/13/03.( see "Miraculous Change"

Created web page at http://www.angelfire.com/rings/dupuytrens/

Some new (or old ones) are appearing ; but, have full use of hand and fingers. Do not expect to go back for many months or perhaps years.

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