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Frustrated after trigger finger surgery
04/02/2021 21:25
04/02/2021 21:25
Frustrated after trigger finger surgery

Hi I'm new on here. First how I knew dupuytrens ran in my family. Try to make it short blah blah blah lol My mother was adopted in 1934. We found out by accident when she was in her 40s. We knew nothing of her parents. I recently through DNA ancestary etc. found them and her brother whom I speak to often. He asked if any of us had dupuytrens...never heard of it.
I have several other surgeries done through the last 20 yrs ie both shoulders spurs trigger fingers on right hand etc. About 1.5 yrs ago I developed tennis elbow in my left arm. Never has been the same. 10 mo ago I felt something wrong with my middle finger in my left hand. Dr said trigger but I was not so sure as it wasn't bent or locking clicking etc. I told him what my uncle told me. Received steroid shot. Worked for about 2 months. Dr wanted to do surgery but covid hit us all. I eventually had it done in Jan 2021. The wound healed but my finger was worse. Swollen pad and lower part of finger. Therapy of course. Was put on double dose of metholprednisone. No change except finger very tight and i couldn't straighten it. This whole time I'm questioning the diag of trigger finger! I developed dupuytrens!!! Can see the cord now. And my pointer finger lowest joint now very tender to touch. Last visit he had the therapist put me into a dynamic splint for both fingers for 6 weeks! Im questioning that move now! It hurts!!! It hurts my knuckle in the middle of finger. Very hard to sleep and I'm used to splints and such from past experiences but THIS is different. Im not sure I want to do anything about it at this point.
So my questions are...will it get worse? How fast does it come back?....my uncle said they do. Will I KNOW when I will need to deal with it? I have read so many stories Im just not sure of anything

04/03/2021 06:52


04/03/2021 06:52


Re: Frustrated after trigger finger surgery

Hi Dbb

Hand or wrist surgery often precedes development of DD in people who are susceptible. There is a distinct difference between trigger finger and DD and maybe you did initially have that. Or maybe that has not cleared and you have DD as well? I suspect some of your current symptoms are unresolved problems from the surgery. I also think it sounds like you need a different, more experienced hand doctor or surgeon to help with resolution and diagnosis and treatment.

I hope by now you have explored our website https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...ontracture.html and browsed through some of the forum threads. There are answers there to your questions. The progression of DD varies from person to person, so it's not easy to predict what yours will do. Check out the risk factors https://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/information/risk-factors/, maybe start a diary with photos on a monthly basis to track symptoms, protect your hands in general use, DIY, sports, garden etc more than you used to and research your treatment options at different stages should you need it. They come down to RT before contracture, NA, Collagenase, and various forms of surgery. Steroid shots can prove useful in some cases for sore nodules, and various forms of topical options for pain: pain patches, NSAID creams, ice/heat, etc. The forum threads have more on what helps different people. You need an experienced hand doctor/surgeon for the journey, preferably one who knows about and supports RT as an option for early cases.

If you explore the internet you might find some cures or treatments being sold, but be careful as they have no real evidence base. Having said that some people do report satisfaction with certain types of massage, application of solvents, oils, taking various supplements, etc, just be careful with your spending on unproven cures.

Best wishes SB

Edited 04/03/21 10:50

04/26/2021 20:39
04/26/2021 20:39
Re: Frustrated after trigger finger surgery

Thank you for the response and advice. I have a new dr im going to see. I am unable to wear that brace they made for night time so I wear it 1 to 2x a day after heat msg and exercises but I have to do that first. I've been using penetrex ointment and it really helps. Its my middle finger and more irritating than pain.
Thank you again

06/21/2021 06:25
06/21/2021 06:25
Re: Frustrated after trigger finger surgery

If you have a trigger finger, you are familiar with the pain from having a finger or thumb stuck in a curled position. It can hurt whether or not you are using your hand. In addition, there is the frustration of not being able to do the things you want to, from buttoning your clothes to texting to playing the guitar or maybe even playing a video game.

With Dupuytren's contracture, scar tissue develops underneath the skin of the palm. As the disease grows, the scar tissue contracts. This slowly pulls the fingers into a bent position called a contracture. Over time, Dupuytren's curtails daily activities.

satisfaction   dupuytren-online   progression   dupuytrens-society   development   surgery   contracture   experiences   metholprednisone   questioning   Collagenase   dupuytrens   experienced   Frustrated   frustration   risk-factors   different   trigger   susceptible   application