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Frustrated with treatment and need some insight
04/06/2021 22:41
04/06/2021 22:41
Frustrated with treatment and need some insight

I have Dupytren in my right hand affecting my pinky. About 3 1/2 years ago I received Xiaflex. Did PT and the finger straightened quite a bit. Not perfectly straight but workable. It did not last. Progressively the finger went back to 45 degrees. 2 years ago in July I got another injection and PT. Same results as before but also the same outcome. I work in a factory which requires me to use my hands a lot and a lot of my duties require the use of latex gloves. I typically wear size large gloves but lately I need to use extra-large just to get my finger into them. I am right handed so this condition is getting to be quite a nuisance. Although I have insurance I still have paid close to $3000 in deductibles for the two injections and PT. I also notice a nodule starting in my left hand. Has anyone had good luck with surgery? I have read about alternative treatments such as boron, DMSO, vitamin E, magnesium, radiation, etc. Would anyone have some advice for this old factory worker?

04/07/2021 06:13


04/07/2021 06:13


Re: Frustrated with treatment and need some insight

I have Dupytren in my right hand affecting my pinky. About 3 1/2 years ago I received Xiaflex. Did PT and the finger straightened quite a bit. Not perfectly straight but workable. It did not last. Progressively the finger went back to 45 degrees. 2 years ago in July I got another injection and PT. Same results as before but also the same outcome. I work in a factory which requires me to use my hands a lot and a lot of my duties require the use of latex gloves. I typically wear size large gloves but lately I need to use extra-large just to get my finger into them. I am right handed so this condition is getting to be quite a nuisance. Although I have insurance I still have paid close to $3000 in deductibles for the two injections and PT. I also notice a nodule starting in my left hand. Has anyone had good luck with surgery? I have read about alternative treatments such as boron, DMSO, vitamin E, magnesium, radiation, etc. Would anyone have some advice for this old factory worker?

The pinkie can be the most difficult to straighten completely, even with surgery. You need to take advice from your surgeon, and maybe seek a second opinion on the best way forward to improve it, again.

After that I would look into the possibility of RT to see if that helps stop any further signs of ongoing progression, after a period of recovery. The finger needs to be straightened before RT. There are some (anecdotal) stories that RT after NA, Xiaflex or surgery can be effective in most cases.

For the other hand, some doctors will treat sore inflamed nodules with a triamcinolone injection, in an attempt to slow down progression. You could see if the time is right for RT now on the other hand as well. We have several threads on that, for examplehttps://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...1559373063.html.

Best wishes SB

Frustrated   1559373063   insurance   injection   dupuytren-online   radiation   injections   extra-large   affecting   progression   completely   deductibles   scojo641213   triamcinolone   treatments   magnesium   straightened   possibility   alternative   Progressively