Gathering Info - Looking for some insight |
02/14/2008 18:25
02/14/2008 18:25
Gathering Info - Looking for some insight
I just had a visit with my GP and he is going to refer me to a hand specialist in Vancouver (This could take awhile). So I've been doing a little research on my own.
First a little background info
43 Male - Canadian - German background on both sides of the family Chef - So my work has been hard on my hands I have been diagnosed with Planter Fasciitis 6 or 7 years ago
I'm not sure how long it has been (a few years) I've had a rope like cord pertruding from my Right Hand. It's a V shape that Runs from my pinky to my middle finger. It does not connect with my ring finger. It goes down about 2cm. I do have a hard lump under my pinky finger and a couple at the bottom of the V in the middle of my hand. My Pinky and Ring Finger are slightly bent when fully extended
Typical male... my hands bothered me at times. But this formation in my hand did not. So I never had this checked out.
This is not the reason I went to see my doctor the other day. 3 years ago I developed cronic pain on the side of my right wrist below the pinky. At that time I left the Hospitality Industry and have only returned to be a Chef 5 months ago. I explained to the Dr that I had this puffy formation in my hadnd for a few years but it has doubled in size in the last couple months. Also the pain in my right wrist has also returned. But what is new is the the swelling in my finger joints and the tightness in my both hands. At night I have pain and the swelling all my finger joints. It's not as bad as my right hand but this includes my left hand. I came in to his office thinking I had arthritis in my hands but his diagnosis was trigger finger. The sheaths that the ligaments travel thru have formed scar tissue and and are being aggrivated (Pain) and lack of mobility in the morning.
He came to this conclussion quickly and really didn't address my wrist or this V formation in my hand. But he is referring me to a Orthopedic hand surgeon. But after reading about Dupuytrens Disease. I think I also have Dupuytrens. I never noticed it before but the skin on my knuckles is crinkly and has loose skin. I believe this is another indicator along with the others.
I have Two Questions.
1. The pictures I have seen of the peoples hands that are affected with DC show a long rope like fromation that runs from the base of thier finger to their wrist. Mine is a V shape that stops to 2 cm down at a couple bumps in my hand. It then heads towards my middle finger. HAVE YOU HEARD OF THIS BEFORE or MAY BE YOU HAVE THE SIMULAR FORMATION IN YOUR HAND?
2. Most of the things I have read state that it is a painless disease. IS THERE ANY WAY THAT DUPUYTRENS COULD BE CAUSING MY ARTHRITIC LIKE SYMPTOMS?
If you have the answers to these questions or any other insight please pass it along to me.
Thanking you in advance for your assistance
Edited at 16.02.08 04:25
02/16/2008 02:13
02/16/2008 02:13

Re: Gathering Info - Looking for some insight
Australia Calling. Hi Brett . Welcome to the forum. You have raised a lot of issues. You mention Planter Fasciitis or Fasciatis .(Heel Spur) Are you sure you have not got Morbus Ledderhose. Any lumps or cords running through the instep to you big toe. Trigger Finger you would know that the finger locks down onto the palm and releases. Have a look on Google Video (treatments) Trigger finger is different to Dupuytren. I have T/F in my middle left finger after one of my surgeries. With regards to the knuckles you may have knuckle pads which I have and it is a sign of haveing MD. in the severe form. About 40% of patients with Leedderhose on the feet have knuckle pads. I also loose a bit of skin at times from the knuckles. If you have Knuckle pads you have to live with it. If you can access a Medical Book " Radiotherapy for Non-Malignant Disorders" by Seegenschmiedt (Springer Com.) It discusses RT for MD. ML and Heel Spur using low dose radiation. I might suggest using a Urea base creme on your hands and wearing cotton gloves at night , In the morning I stretch my hands in the basin with warm water a few times to increase mobility.Exercise a few times a day by placing you hand on a flat surface and stretching. There is no cure for MD or ML . I've had radiotherapy on my hands and feet Dec 07 bt Prof Seegenschmiedt- Germany and am happy with the results. Finally in Germany last year alone they treated 40,000 patients with low dose radiation for non Malignant Disorders . Regards from down under.
02/16/2008 02:24
02/16/2008 02:24

Re: Gathering Info - Looking for some insight
Australia Calling Further information. Brett. Not all Dupuytrens is the same . in my case I have had some 15 surgeries including 4 skin grafts and none of my cords stretched down to my wrist. In most cases it seems to attack the little and ring finger first. In my case I have it in both thumbs and the index finger , Missed one of my middle fingers. I would think about RT as you say you only slight contraction. Rember the first surgery could be the beggining of the time clock for the next surgery. I was 35 when diagnosed but no surgery until 50 Yrs of age. Try and reduce stress to your hands use the mixer insted of the whisk . Best of luck .
02/16/2008 03:22
02/16/2008 03:22
Re: Gathering Info - Looking for some insight
Thanks Newman for taking the time to respond.
I know it's not good to make self diagnosis and I will have to wait until I see the specialist. As far as my feet I can't see any signs of Ledderhose's. But my right hand looks and feels like DC. I always wondered what the puffy tendon like formation sticking out my hand was. If I do have DC. Lets hope it does not progress to the level you and others have experienced.
Right now It's my wrist and the swelling and pain in my finger joints. That is effecting my quality of life. I realize this is not the fourm for these medical sypmtoms. I was just wanted to know if any anyone else has experinced these side effects from Dupuytren's? ........ Most likely It is something else.
Thanks again
Edited at 16.02.08 08:36
02/27/2008 00:58
02/27/2008 00:58
Re: Gathering Info - Looking for some insight
Thanks Newman for taking the time to respond.
I know it's not good to make self diagnosis and I will have to wait until I see the specialist. As far as my feet I can't see any signs of Ledderhose's. But my right hand looks and feels like DC. I always wondered what the puffy tendon like formation sticking out my hand was. If I do have DC. Lets hope it does not progress to the level you and others have experienced.
Right now It's my wrist and the swelling and pain in my finger joints. That is effecting my quality of life. I realize this is not the fourm for these medical sypmtoms. I was just wanted to know if any anyone else has experinced these side effects from Dupuytren's? ........ Most likely It is something else.
Thanks again
I too am curious about the pain and swelling; since I have those same sypmtoms. I'm not sure it is because of DC, but that is the only thing currently afftecting my hands that might be the cause of the pain.