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Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex
09/10/2020 20:28
09/10/2020 20:28
Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

I’m also developing Osteoarthritis in all my finger joints and pending an X-ray to confirm. My doctor has suggested that I take the above for 3 months to see what effect it has. I raised the obvious question regarding on the impact on my Dupuytrens. His answer was it should be OK but I’ve read elsewhere that this treatment could fuel and accelerate my Dupuytrens. I’d appreciate any views on this as it’s unclear from other guidelines that I’ve read. DG

09/11/2020 04:51


09/11/2020 04:51


Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

I’m also developing Osteoarthritis in all my finger joints and pending an X-ray to confirm. My doctor has suggested that I take the above for 3 months to see what effect it has. I raised the obvious question regarding on the impact on my Dupuytrens. His answer was it should be OK but I’ve read elsewhere that this treatment could fuel and accelerate my Dupuytrens. I’d appreciate any views on this as it’s unclear from other guidelines that I’ve read. DG
It's listed as a risk factor on the BDS and DRG sites, https://dupuytrens.org/faq/what-other-co...-to-dupuytrens/ although any link seems to be basd on in-vitro cell studies only. I myself stopped taking it, but did not notice any benefit to my DD or detriment to joints.

09/11/2020 07:13
09/11/2020 07:13
Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

Thanks. Just very unsure whether to follow the doctors recommendation. If it does indeed impact Dupuytrens It will be irreversible. But at the same time my pip joints are very tender and I need some form of relief.

09/11/2020 07:27


09/11/2020 07:27


Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

Thanks. Just very unsure whether to follow the doctors recommendation. If it does indeed impact Dupuytrens It will be irreversible. But at the same time my pip joints are very tender and I need some form of relief.
Seems the jury is still out on the benefits of glucosamine and arthritis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=gl...+osteoarthritis Sorry not to be more helpful. I tend to react according to whatever the current most acute uncomfortable health issue is, which means I would probably try it for a period and see if it helps. YMMV

10/30/2020 11:46
10/30/2020 11:46
Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

Now confirmed I’ve arthritis of the feet and possibly lederhosen. Again advised to take Glucosamine and Chondroitin. When I advised that there appears could be conflict with Dupuytrens they back off but offer nothing else as an alternative. Frustrating!!! No looking for an arthritis treatment that doesn’t contain each of the above or vitamin C. What do others do when you have both conditions ?

10/30/2020 14:13


10/30/2020 14:13


Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

Glucosamine might or might not affect your Dupuytren's and/or Ledderhose disease. You could give it a try and see whether your Ledderhose diisease (if you have it) reacts to it or not. Irrespective of that, it is uncclear whether Clucosamine is efficient for arthritis https://www.drugs.com/npp/glucosamine.html "A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 201 patients with mild to moderate knee pain due to osteoarthritis found no evidence of benefit in structure, pain or function after 24 weeks of oral glucosamine supplementation (1,500 mg/day)", while another study finds pain reduction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4717399/ . So you might give it a try also with respect to your arthritis. Maybe it helps a little.


Now confirmed I’ve arthritis of the feet and possibly lederhosen. Again advised to take Glucosamine and Chondroitin. When I advised that there appears could be conflict with Dupuytrens they back off but offer nothing else as an alternative. Frustrating!!! No looking for an arthritis treatment that doesn’t contain each of the above or vitamin C. What do others do when you have both conditions ?

10/30/2020 15:42


10/30/2020 15:42


Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

Now confirmed I’ve arthritis of the feet and possibly lederhosen. Again advised to take Glucosamine and Chondroitin. When I advised that there appears could be conflict with Dupuytrens they back off but offer nothing else as an alternative. Frustrating!!! No looking for an arthritis treatment that doesn’t contain each of the above or vitamin C. What do others do when you have both conditions ?
I have minor early osteoarthritis. No longer take glucosamine, but lots of oily fish, fish oil and olive oil. Can't say it helps or not.

10/30/2020 17:16
10/30/2020 17:16
Re: Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex

Thanks. My PIP joints are painful 100% painful all of the time. Tried prescription NAPROXEN but doesn’t have any impact on the pain in hands or foot hence looking for something else. The doctors have been of little use in helping find a pain relieving solution. I have heard injections might work.

Chondroitin   supplementation   arthritis   lederhosen   double-blind   Complex   placebo-controlled   conditions   Irrespective   Frustrating   recommendation   uncomfortable   treatment   Dupuytrens   what-other-co   Glucosamine   irreversible   alternative   Osteoarthritis   prescription