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Good Radiation Treatment NYC Area
01/20/2014 15:39
01/20/2014 15:39
Good Radiation Treatment NYC Area

Hi, I'd like to report that my early active stage dupuytren's in my right hand has stopped proliferating after 2 rounds of 5 radiation treatments. Feels good!

Last spring I started to feel a tightness in the center of my palm, and one morning a node appeared. An orthopedic surgeon recognized it as duputrens and told me to live with it until there was significant contracture and then he could do something about it. It tingled and hurt more and more, and even though there were no growths in my left hand or in my feet they started to tingle nonstop too. I was getting a new node every week by the time I started to seek out radiation treatment in the summer.

Based on reading forums like these, first I tried the closest hospital to me in NYC-- New York University. Don't go there unless you are over 60 years old, have very advanced contracture and have already tried every other form of treatment, they regard radiation treatment as a very last resort and will lecture you at length (in front of their lawyers, there were finally like 8 people in the room) on what they regard to be the unacceptable risks of radiation treatment for early stage dupuytrens. I called the radiation oncology departments of other Manhattan hospitals (St Lukes, Beth Israel, Mt Sinai.. ) and got nowhere.

I contacted Morristown Medical Center and was immediately impressed by their knowledge of and interest in dupuytrens, so although it was a hassle to take the 2 hour train rides from NYC to Morristown for treatments, I signed up. After the first round of 5 treatments there wasn't much change in the feeling of the hand and other limbs, all still tingling. But there was no new growth. After the second round of treatment, all the tingling stopped and the nodes and cords got softer and less painful. I'm very happy with the outcome.

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