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Grave's disease - is it all connected?
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12/30/2008 14:35
12/30/2008 14:35
Grave's disease - is it all connected?

I have both Ledderhose and Dupuytrens. Recently I was diagnosed with Graves disease after I ended up in the emergency room with afib and hyperthyroidism. One of my coworkers has also been in the same situation. Nodules removed from both feet about 7 years ago and now Graves. Our symptoms are so alike it has me wondering if anyone else is in the same situation.
One of the side effects of Grave's is Graves' ophthalmopathy. Swelling of the tissue behind the eyes. So far I have not had to have surgery.
Are they all connected?
Anyone else in the same boat?

12/30/2008 15:23


12/30/2008 15:23


Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

Interesting. Two month ago I had half of my (large) thyroid removed. I refused to give also the (normal sized) other half. But I don't think I have Grave-Basedow, definitely no weight loss. I was told I had a huge cyst in the removed part, whatever that means.

If there is a connection it is possibly not that obvious because Dupuytren's is most frequent with men and Grave-Basedow with younger women who usually don't develop Dupuytren's that early.

Dupuytren might be triggered by local inflammations (not sure, just one of many theories). That might be a cconnection because Wikipedia says about Grave's disease: "The "orange peel" skin has been explained by the infiltration of antibodies under the skin, causing an inflammatory reaction and subsequent fibrous plaques".


Edited 12/30/08 17:41

12/30/2008 15:46
12/30/2008 15:46
Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

If you can keep your remaining thyroid that would be great! I wish I had done more research on alterative treatments before taking the radioactive idione. I have had nothing but trouble since killing all the thyroid tissue. Can't find a med that is compatible with my system. I am tired all the time and feel really crappy. I have also noticed that the growth of nodules in both hands and feet are accelerating at a more rapid pace.

12/31/2008 07:42
12/31/2008 07:42

Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

Hi.Australia Calling
You have raised an interesting topic. I've had Dupuytrens for many years and in the past 7 yrs developed Ledderhose. My daughter in her early 30's had developed an under active thyroid.(hypothyroidism) She will for her remaining lifetime have to take daily, a thyroid hormone. (THYROXINE ) In your case does it mean you now have a non functioning thyroid? (hypothyroidism) These diseases seem to have a strong thread of an immune deficiency. Are there any others on the forum with thyroid problems within the family . I have read a recently published book by Prof. Seegenschmiedt and others" Radiotherapy for Non-Malignant Disorders", where low dose radiotherapy is used for the treatment of Graves Disease, along with Dupuytrens and Ledderhose. Have you had a test for B12 deficiency.This will make you very tired if you are B12 deficient. You dont mention your age but a very large percentage of over 50's are B12 deficient . The body does not take up the vitamin. A simple injection Neo-B12 Injection every 30 to 90 days does wonders. Regards.

Edited 12/31/08 12:38

12/31/2008 13:01
12/31/2008 13:01
Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

Hi Australia,
I was hyperthyroid(overactive). Hair loss, tremors, weight loss, high heart rate and very irregular,(it was actually just vibrating and not a steady beat), weak muscles, frequent bowel movements, rash. All the symptoms! Meds would not bring thyroid levels down enough, so they killed all my thyroid. No thryoid since May 2008. So basicially I am hypothyroid now like your daughter. I have since seen my existing nodules rapidly grow in my feet and several new ones develope in my hands. I have a coworker who is experiencing the same thing.
I hope your daughter is lucky enough to tolerate the thyroid meds. Good Luck to her. I have tried 3 so far. I feel worse now than when I wasn't on the meds. It is going to be intresting to see if others have Graves, Dupuytrens, and Ledderhose.

12/31/2008 15:26
12/31/2008 15:26
Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

Underactive Thyroid
My dc started with nodules this past summer. In late summer I was discovered to be borderline low in a blood test and put on a low dose synthroid medication with possible adjustment later. I had all the classical symptoms pryer to this, hair loss, fatigue, etc. It really sounds interesting. I hope it isn't dismissed as cavalierly as the medical community is dismissing the possibility of doing something about this before surgery.

01/10/2009 02:23
01/10/2009 02:23
Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

Hello Newman,

My mother had problems with her thyroid and took medication for years...unfortunately I don't know whether she was hypo- or hyper- and she's no longer alive. My mother's mother had Dupuytren's.


01/23/2009 02:33
01/23/2009 02:33
Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

Hi Nellie - I registered for this forum because of your post. I've been struggling with Lederhose, Dupuytren's and Graves for several years now. I, too, have been wondering if it's all connected and have been doing my best to research this on my own through very limited resources and have found no information that's very revealing (one Italian paper sites a propensity for autoantibodies in Dupuytren's patients and suggested further study).

Do you know what autoantibodies you have? Even though I am hyperthyroid and called a "Graves" patient (and have been using the anti-thyroid tapazole to become euthyroid), the antibodies I have are the antithyroglobulin and antithyroperoxidase antibodies which are normally found in hypothyroid cases (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis).

I have also been managing Thyroid Eye Disease symptoms.

There is so little anyone can currently offer us for so many of these conditions. I actually have Dupuytrens in both hands through my Mother's side (and I am female,) and it's becoming more painful.

I I tend to get way too many viruses and infections, so I'm not keen on the idea of steroids for any purpose.

Today I'm sad because I seem to have another low grade fever and facial rash (though I'm quite sure it's not lupus as I was tested for ANA years ago and was negative.)

I don't believe that a person should try to diagnose or treat themselves, but it seems to me that the doctor's have very little helpful knowledge in these areas. The experts only tell me that I have to wait for all of these conditions to become intolerable and then have surgeries.

Anyway, I would appreciate it very much if we could stay in contact as our cases do seem similar and I'm hungry for knowledge that will help me better handle these conditions. I'm a teacher in NYC.

01/23/2009 06:29

not registered

01/23/2009 06:29

not registered

Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?

I quite agree with you that people diagnose and treat themselves and that typically doctors aren't impressively informed about Dupuytren's and Ledderhose. Maybe teaching your doctor is a good way to solve this issue at least for yourself (and maybe some of his future patients as well)?



... I don't believe that a person should try to diagnose or treat themselves, but it seems to me that the doctor's have very little helpful knowledge in these areas. The experts only tell me that I have to wait for all of these conditions to become intolerable and then have surgeries. ...

08/23/2009 18:18
08/23/2009 18:18
Re: Grave's disease - is it all connected?


I've just joined this site to find info to help my mum with her DC. I'm an acupuncturist and trainee naturopath and will start her on a holistic DC programme as soon as I've done my research. But I just wanted to mention that a lot of people I've come across have had good results with Macca for Thyroid issues. Maybe some other people with this might find it an inexpensive way to help themselves. I haven't researched it myself yet but I'm sure there's plenty of information available if you're interested.

Best wishes

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Dupuytrens   antithyroglobulin   hyperthyroidism   connected   ophthalmopathy   Ledderhose   hypothyroidism--checking   hypothyroidism   disease   Grave-Basedow   hypothyroid   themselves   autoantibodies   thyroid   hyperthyroid   inflammations   Dupuytren   antithyroperoxidase   Radiotherapy   Seegenschmiedt