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Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton
03/24/2010 05:38
03/24/2010 05:38
Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton

I had a " messed up" right hand pinkie that looked like a reversed letter Z, the PIP was bent at almost 90 degrees, the DIP joint was bent in reverse with the tip pulling upwards in a boutonniere deformity. Both joints were locked for a few years, I had NA on same finger in 2006 with another Dr. but the DD returned after a year.

Having heard wonderful things about Dr. Eaton, and combining a cruise and Florida vacation I decided to have NA with Dr. Eaton since I was going to be in Florida anyway.

Dr. Eaton took lots of time to examine my hands and explain the procedure. PIP joints of the small finger are the hardest to correct, especially in my case with the boutonniere deformity.

The procedure went very well. My finger is perfectly straight at the DIP joint, and the PIP joint is at around 25 degrees....a great improvement because both joints were frozen for so long and I didn't expect more than a 50% improvement on the PIP joint.

Just one week after NA, the swelling I had is completely gone, the finger looks even smaller than it did before NA...the PIP joint is completely flexible, although I still can't bend the DIP joint, but I am hoping this will resolve with exercise and/or phys. therapy. I am hoping this successful NA will last longer this time.

It was a pleasure to meet Dr. Eaton. He exceeded my expectations. He is very experienced and professional and at the same time very caring and friendly ...and he and his wife Valerie (who assists him during the NA) make you feel more like you are an old friend and not a patient. I felt very relaxed throughout the procedure.

Thanks Dr. Eaton...so far, I'm thrilled with the results....

03/24/2010 06:12


03/24/2010 06:12


Re: Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton

It's great that NA went so well for you! Are you wearing a night splint to avoid recurrence?

PS: what cruise did you make and did you like it? I will send you an email about that because that's out of range for this forum bit I will be in Florida in May ...

03/24/2010 13:30
03/24/2010 13:30
Re: Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton


That is great. Let's hope it doesn't come back this time. After having successful NA, do you think RT an option for you at this time or not?

Thanks for posting your report.

03/24/2010 21:33
03/24/2010 21:33
Re: Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton


Yes, I am wearing a night brace. Dr. Eaton gave me a prefabricated one to get me started, and I have an appt. to have a hand therapist make a custom brace next week. I plan to wear this brace for a long, long time. Last time I made the mistake of not wearing it at night after 3 months, I wonder if that had something to do with the recurrence.
I responded to your question about the cruise by email....


I was considering doing RT, but I'm going to wait a bit...my right palm shows no DD disease whatsoever...whatever nodules/dimples I had before NA are gone. My palm is totally flat and there is no indication of active disease at the moment. I spoke to Dr. T's nurse and explained all this to her...she will ask Dr. T. (when he returns from a trip) whether he thinks RT is appropriate at the moment in my case....

04/07/2010 15:22
04/07/2010 15:22
Re: Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton

Almost a month after my NA,.... my PIP continues to improve. I think the exercises with the Occupational Hand Therapist (OT) are helping. My PIP joint is at about 15 degrees (it was 90 before the NA). Now, if it only stays that way I'll be thrilled. I'm going 3x a week to the OT and sleeping with a night brace...we'll see !!!!!

I'm still waiting to hear from Dr. T. regarding my following it up with RT...(maybe after the May symposium...we will have more information about the benefits of RT following NA issue...)

Edited 04/07/10 18:24

04/07/2010 21:16
04/07/2010 21:16
Re: Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton

After my NA treatment last year RH-- following the failure of Xiaflex (I also wore a splint for almost 5 months after Xiaflex)-- I wrote a night brace for almost 3 months. It was cumbersome and according to a doctor other than the one that did my NA, was improperly applied and contraindicated. That NA failed in less than 3 months. Following my NA in October-- a repeat on my RH and first time on my LH-- Dr. Eaton did not think a brace/split would be useful.


04/08/2010 00:29
04/08/2010 00:29
Re: Great experience... NA with Dr. Eaton

I had NA in July 2006, and a repeat NA just 3 weeks ago on the same finger...two different doctors...

The first time I had swelling of the PIP small finger joint for months after the procedure, wore the night brace for a short time and had therapy with an OT (occupational hand therapist) ...the contracture came back after six months...

The results with Dr. Eaton were much better this time, even though the contracture was more severe and in addition to the PIP contracture I had a boutonniere deformity on the DIP joint... no swelling at all after the NA...My thinking is to wear the night brace longer in the hope that the contracture will not return so soon.

Edited 04/08/10 03:36

expectations   following   Occupational   deformity   appropriate   improvement   experienced   completely   procedure   therapist   experience   professional   considering   contracture   information   recurrence   boutonniere   prefabricated   successful   contraindicated