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Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?
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11/30/2010 03:33
11/30/2010 03:33
Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

I finally have been able to get an audience with a radiation oncologist at the University of Minnesota. She has heard about the use of RT to treat Dups and Ledderhose, but has never done it. I am planning on bringing a packet of information for her, and I was about to compile it when it occurred to me someone may have already put such a packet together. If so, can you share it?

11/30/2010 12:53
11/30/2010 12:53
RT INFORMATION: Are we exchanging cooking recipes ??

I finally have been able to get an audience with a radiation oncologist at the University of Minnesota. She has heard about the use of RT to treat Dups and Ledderhose, but has never done it. I am planning on bringing a packet of information for her, and I was about to compile it when it occurred to me someone may have already put such a packet together. If so, can you share it?

What do you want to ACHIEVE ??? TEACHING the doctor what to do ?
Is it worthwile to give your hands or feet to make a doctor believe that
he or she is able to treat a difficult disease ? Maybe, repeat a wrong decision !

It's not YOUR DEAL to convince doctors to give radiation, it's them to get
the appropriate experience and certificate to OFFER YOU GOOD TREATMENT

Would you teach your DENTIST to use his new machine to treat your teeth ??

I hope you understand, why I went to see a really experienced doctor to
simply get a COMPARISON with hundreds of other fates compared with mine
reflected by a doctor who knows the limits of his own and other treatment options!

So RECONSIDER to visit such a doctor and GIVE HIM INFORMATION about what
HE or SHE should give to you ... EXPERIENCE and diligent ADVICE !

11/30/2010 16:10
11/30/2010 16:10
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

I copied a post I just made in another thread with some links to Pubmed, just below.

Not an info packet, but has the studies. Check under the "Dupuytren's disease", "literature" links at the left, where Wolfgang also posted a link to a book reference you can provide also. I hope that helps a bit.

I am facing the same issue here in Canada and as a result of not being able to obtain treatment here and the excessive cost in the U.S. it was an easy choice for me to go to Germany to see Prof Seegenschmiedt.

As long as your oncologist is trained and uses MRI or CT to map the area, you should be fine. They treat many different tumours, of which this is just one. Ask questions up front and make sure you're in good hands. If you still have doubts then you have other options, including experts like Prof S. in Hamburg. Good luck!


Here are three published clinical studies I found online at Pubmed, one comparing two different treatment protocols and the other two, long term studies:

2010: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20127225

2001: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11172962

2001: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8960518

They all use the treatment protocol of 3GY X 10 in two series of 5, separated by 6-8 wks. However one also compares 3GY x 7 over 14 days finding no significant difference. It depends on stage with stage N showing generally 80-90% long-term success and then declining as DPC stage advances. I doesn't seem that they have studies for rates of success with one treatment so I'm curious as to why your doctor made that choice.

I just returned from Hamburg and had treatment with Prof Seegenschmiedt for DPC of the left hand. I had 3GY x 5 days. However, I was told to wait a minimum of 3 months before the second course and he indicated it was okay to be 4 months. That differs from the period of 6-8 wks in the studies. I suspect that with his vast experience over 20 years or more, he may be basing it on observed clinical outcomes as he was an author of two of the above studies. I trust his judgment and clearly we may not be aware of what they've observed and not published while treating this over the years. I met another patient from the U.S. who chose the 3GY X 7 days. Prof S. advises the 5 x 2 plan if at all possible to minimize side effects and max benefits, but both are used.

I finally have been able to get an audience with a radiation oncologist at the University of Minnesota. She has heard about the use of RT to treat Dups and Ledderhose, but has never done it. I am planning on bringing a packet of information for her, and I was about to compile it when it occurred to me someone may have already put such a packet together. If so, can you share it?

11/30/2010 18:08

not registered

11/30/2010 18:08

not registered

Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

here is one place to start

you can get the full text Seegenschmiedt article for your doctor to review
I had RT from a "first time" radiation oncologist as well.

Would it be best to go to Germany for treatment? Perhaps, but travel to Germany is not an option for some people.

RT is sort of like the NA procedure. Eaton learned it from the French and it has slowly spread to other parts of the country. I see the same thing happening for RT.

If you have access to the best, go for it, if you don't then you go for the best you can get.

Edited 11/30/10 20:36

11/30/2010 18:57
11/30/2010 18:57
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

Email Diana. She compiled a packet that she brought to her GP/radiologist so that he could convince her insurance company to pay for treatment. Whatever she had in there worked because they paid for it. While she might not able to literally send you the packet, she would I believe advise you as to what she included in it.

I had a minor amount of research that I took with me to my appointment. I wanted to make sure that even thought they said they knew how to treat it, that they were following the exact protocol I wanted. Since I was nervous it also helped me to remember questions to ask.


12/01/2010 02:19
12/01/2010 02:19
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

Hi. I compiled a packet for my doctor with info from this site and from the book "Radiation Therapy for non-Malignant Disorders". I also printed out the studies by Prof. Seegenschmiedt.

He had never treated Duypuytren's before and read the studies very carefully (not sure the list of clinics, doctors, etc. made much of an impression but I was fighting my medical group and had a STACK of paperwork!) and we did the 5 day, 3Gy protocal, wait 3 months, repeat.

It sounds like you've done the work in finding a Radiation Oncologist who is willing to treat you which is great. The studies are fairly easy to find and print out as I recall but this was about 1.5 years ago. My doctor's name is Dr. Chang and he's at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation on this site.

Good luck! Diana

02/10/2011 21:24
02/10/2011 21:24
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

Hello Quinnt01. I'm also interested in RT treatment at the U of Minnesota. I spoke with Dr. Katie Dusenbury there and she said she has treated one patient to date. I assume that was you? Just wondering what your experience was like, how long since your treatment and of course, has it helped you? Hopefully all went well. Thanks for any information you can share-

02/10/2011 21:51
02/10/2011 21:51
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

I wrote about my experience at the U of M and erroneously posted it in the "Other Therapies" forum. I wish the forum moderator would move it.

My experience was outstanding in every respect. I'm only half way done with the treatment and go back in two weeks for my second five-day round of RT. It's too early to tell if it's working, but so far, so good.


02/10/2011 22:42
02/10/2011 22:42
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

I read your post on the other forum. It's very encouraging to hear about physicians open to RT. I had also checked with Mayo Clinic and came away with the same sinking feeling. They were no help.

I've had DD in my right hand for 13 years. Two surgeries under my belt and possibly a third on the horizon. My pinky is contracted again to 90 degrees. I tried NA with Dr. Rizzo at Mayo but no success. So now while I'm deliberating about my R hand, I notice a new nodule on my L hand. Everything I've read on this site points to RT for this new problem. I'd really like to retain one "good" hand.

I have no signs of LD yet but I continue to be on alert. I think you did the absolute right thing by going to the U of M. Had your ducks in a row and found a great doctor willing to listen. It's also good to know she's offered to go to bat with the insurance companies for treatment approval. I have Health Partners and have not tested those waters yet.

Thanks again for your help and the best of luck Tom. Keep us posted on your progress.


02/11/2011 00:42
02/11/2011 00:42
Re: Has anyone compiled a packet of RT information I could share with my physician?

I had RT with Dr. Chang, the same doctor that Diana used (and I thank her very much for all the research and info she provided to him). He did not think an MRI or CT scan was necessary as he's an experienced radiologist, family with treating keloid scars and said there are standard protocols for depth. I wanted to have an MRI and scoured the literature and was able to convince him to do one if I really wanted. In the meantime I talked to two experienced hand surgeons -each of whom do NA also--about it and they both said they didn't think an MRI was necessary. One even shared he had a patient who was a radiation oncologist who also didn't think an MRI necessary. I know others have had a different experience or advice. I chose to be fairly aggressive with the field of my treatment becaue my disease is aggressive. I did almost the entire hand up to the DIP joint and thumbs on each hand. It hasn't stopped the spread of the cords--nor did I expect it to--but my palms are in much better shape. The new lumps I'm getting in my fingers are on the sides and I wonder how that relates to the depth of RT therapy.

I think if I did RT again or if I was doing it for the first time, I'd seriously consider the 7 day protocol instead.


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