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Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?
03/27/2010 18:51
03/27/2010 18:51
Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?


Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome after surgery? If so, how was it treated?

It's been just a little over 2 months since my surgery. In a previous posting I talked about feeling pain at night. That pain has become worse and I am now feeling it during the day as well. Any recovery I've made so far is slowly reversing. My family doctor thinks I might be experiencing initial CRPS and gave me a prescription called Gabapentin to help treat the pain as well as pain killers. I took one Gabapentin this morning and was sick with upset stomach and dizziness after taking it. Don't think I'll be taking anymore. Gabapentin is known to help ease the pain of CRPS but also has lots of side effects. I have a call into my surgeon but it's the weekend now and don't expect to here back from him until Monday. I intend on making a trip to see him as soon as possible.

In the mean time I thought I'd see if anyone on this board has experienced CRPS and what they did for treatment.

Thanks for your help,


03/28/2010 04:46


03/28/2010 04:46


Re: Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?

Leona, after surgery about 6 % suffer from complex regional pain syndrome (see http://www.eplasty.com/index.php?option=...&Itemid=116). But of course that doesn't tell what to do. My guess is that there is a variety of potential reasons and you need to review those with your surgeon as you are planning anyway. I don't think any advice via the Internet with no knowledge of your hand can be helpful, unfortunately. The only thing which I would do additionally is a second opinion from another surgeon.

Wishing you all the best


Edited 03/28/10 07:47

04/04/2010 16:30

not registered

04/04/2010 16:30

not registered

Re: Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?

After my first DC release - L little finger - I developed carpal tunnel, treated with cortizone injection and fairly good results. That was 20 years ago and have had no problems and no disease return. Second DC release 10 years ago - R little finger - also developed carpal tunnel which progressed to CRPS or as it was called then RSD. Received cortizone again with no results. The surgeon wrote me off, but the OT kept working with me. The end result was that the pain kept me from splinting and exercising as I was told and I have about a 20 degree contracture in that finger. My recommendation is find a pain medication that will allow you to complete hand therapy and make sure you trust your doctor and therapist. If not find a new one(s).

04/10/2010 19:45
04/10/2010 19:45
Re: Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?

Thank you Norcal!

I saw my surgeon yesterday and he gave me a shot of cortisone in my wrist. The relief was almost immediate. He is pretty certain I have CTS. Although, not all of my symptoms are the same as CTS that's why my family Dr. was concerned I had CRPS. The surgeon said the cortisone might wear off and I'm to get in touch with him in a week to let him know how it's going. Anyway, I have a splint for my wrist as well now and wore it last night. I slept through the night with no pain - Yippee!! The surgeon has also referred me to a nerve clinic for testing to get a definite diagnosis and to see if surgery is necessary. I certainly hope he's right. The initial symptoms of CRPS are very similar to CTS so that's what I was thinking I had. It sounds like CTS is easier to deal with than CRPS

The surgeon also looked at my right hand and doesn't want me to wait too long before deciding if I want to have surgery on that hand. My right hand is not affected as seriously as my left was but now I'm a bit scared to have it done. I asked him about NA. He thought that NA would not work on my right hand; in his opinion it is too far gone for that procedure. He didn't seem to be a big supporter of NA.

One final and important note: If you are a diabetic and get a cortisone shot please be aware that it will make your blood sugars jump really high. The Surgeon didn't tell me this was a side effect of the cortisone; and I didn't know either until I found out via the internet. I was wondering what the heck was going on. I'm on a pump and I thought my pump was not working properly. I'm taking one heck of alot more insulin and am still having trouble keeping blood sugar down.

04/11/2010 00:10
04/11/2010 00:10
Re: Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?

Leonas, please get opinions from one or more doctors who actually do NA about whether it can be successful for you. You can email pictures of your hand and they can tell a lot by that and you can ask them questions by email. I'm assuming that you live in the US. What area of the country do you live? Look in the menu on the left side of this page for docs who do NA.

04/12/2010 23:30
04/12/2010 23:30
Re: Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?

Hi Flojo,

I will be getting a second opinion from a Dr. that performs NA. In fact I've sent pictures to 2 Dr's. who perform the surgery in Vancouver, BC. I heard back from one of them and he said when I'm ready to contact his office. If I went in one day for an examination he could more than likely do the NA the next day as long as I was a good candidate for it.

Take care,


04/19/2010 18:32
04/19/2010 18:32
Re: Has anyone experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery?

I had open hand surgery early July 2009 and still have problems. The treatment I was given was strong pain killers which seemed to disagree with me so I had to revert to Paracetamol and a course of steroids namely Prednisolone.

I have now finished the tablets and I am not now experiencing any pain except when doing the prescribed exercises which involve forcibly pressing the fingures towards the palm, sometimes placing the hand in warm to hot paraffin wax before doing the exercises (this seems to give soothing relief).

Hope this is helpful to you.

recommendation   cortisone   prescription   experienced   Regional   Surgery   Prednisolone   Paracetamol   treatment   contracture   unfortunately   additionally   surgeon   medication   examination   &Itemid=116   Complex   experiencing   Syndrome   Gabapentin