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Has anyone tried...
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10/01/2010 13:12
10/01/2010 13:12
Has anyone tried...

Has anyone tried Vitamin E oil to massage on to the hand, Bromelain anti-inflammatory tablets, Magnesium spray (again to be massed on to the nodule)? I have just been diagnosed and will try anything.

10/01/2010 13:51


10/01/2010 13:51


Re: Has anyone tried...

Hi Vanessah,

welcome to the forum! If you look at the menu on the left side you see several therapies (surgery, NA, collagenase, radiotherapy) which are the current state of the art for treating Dupuytren' disease. There are some more being researched (Other therapies). The ones you are mentioning are likely useless. Where did you find them??

BTW, you can search this forum for specific subjects by using the Search function in the top menu.


Has anyone tried Vitamin E oil to massage on to the hand, Bromelain anti-inflammatory tablets, Magnesium spray (again to be massed on to the nodule)? I have just been diagnosed and will try anything.

Edited 10/01/10 16:54

10/01/2010 14:05
10/01/2010 14:05
Re: Has anyone tried...

I contacted a company called Victoria Health and the Bromelain and the Magnesium are what they recommended I try. I was also wondering about acupuncture. Don't know if this is worth trying? Mine started in February and I went to see a hand surgeon last month who didn't recommend any operation until my finger started to contract but it sounds like it might be worth trying the RT. I use a keyboard everyday and once my finger starts to go then my job is at risk. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and will ask if RT is available.

10/01/2010 14:45


10/01/2010 14:45


Re: Has anyone tried...

To my opinion acupuncturing a Dupuytren's nodule is not only useless but also contraproductive because it might trigger agressive growth. Please also search for posts on that subject.

If you have no contracture yet radiotherapy might be the way to go. We are listing some clincis that are experienced on this web site.


10/04/2010 07:44
10/04/2010 07:44
Re: Has anyone tried...

Thanks for that. I did ask my doctor about the RT and he has suggested I write to my hand surgeon so will do that today. I have been massaging my hand about 4 times a day, twice with vitamin E oil and twice with Magnesium spray and I do feel that my hand doesn't feel quite as tight but will perservere and see what happens.

10/04/2010 15:09
10/04/2010 15:09
Writing to a hand surgeon about RT


If you are based in the UK, and writing to your hand surgeon, I suggest you include a reference to the current NICE consultation on using RT for DD http://guidance.nice.org.uk/IP/780, this should hopefully formally approve RT for treatment of DD in the UK in the near future. At the moment there are a limited number of clinics providing RT treatment for DD in the UK.

I would be interested in hearing the response you get from your Hand Surgeon, in the past (reported many times on this forum) most hand surgeons not been very positive about using RT. My concern is that the advice you receive might not be unbiased, and in my experience and that of many on this forum will be along the lines of 'RT doesn't work, or may not be required as your DD may not progress, but it might be better to wait until you have significant contracture and I would be happy to offer you surgery'. No hand surgeon in the UK has ever recommended RT as far as I know, it would be nice to find one who did?

In general the information provided on this website provides less biased information on the different treatment options available to you than you might get from individual health professionals. Some on this forum who have had RT treatment have provided the information presented on this site to their GP and asked them to refer them onto a local radiotherapy clinic. If you are UK based and need help finding a clinic or encouraging your local radiotherapist to provide treatment please let me/us know?

(I was only guessing you were UK based, given your reference to 'Victoria Health')


10/05/2010 08:01
10/05/2010 08:01
Re: Has anyone tried...


Yes I am in the UK in West Yorkshire. I will post as soon as I hear from my hand surgeon to let everyone know his comments.

10/08/2010 12:53

not registered

10/08/2010 12:53

not registered

Re: Has anyone tried...

I tried Vit E oil it makes your skin very soft and supple and so reduces the tight sensation in the palm but in my view had no positive effect on the disease. I have now had radiotherapy at Parkside Clinic in Wimbledon and my palm nodules have almost disappeared and the sensory symptoms which everyone on here knows about but which arent in any of the medical texts have very substantially reduced. Do not expect a positive response from your hand surgeon. Many of my colleagues and friends are orthopaedic and plastic surgeons and they have no knowledge of radiotherapy for this disease so are naturally very cautious and of course do not want to lose work which they enjoy and is profitable to them. This site offers excellent and unbiased advice and helped give me the confidence to go ahead with a treatment modality which seems to be working exremely well.

10/12/2010 07:58
10/12/2010 07:58
Re: Has anyone tried...


Yes I am in the UK in West Yorkshire. I will post as soon as I hear from my hand surgeon to let everyone know his comments.

Hi Vanessa,

I have just found out that I am also in the relatively early stages of this disease and live in West Yorkshire. I am currently having Ultra Sound and physio treatment on my hands to hopefully slow it down. Please let me know if you find anybody who is willing to perform the RT as I would definately give it a go!

Many thanks


10/13/2010 12:16
10/13/2010 12:16
Re: Has anyone tried...

I wrote to the hand surgeon last week but haven't received a response as yet but will let you know. Where do you have your treatment?

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