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Has anyone tried...
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10/13/2010 12:42
10/13/2010 12:42
Re: Has anyone tried...

I wrote to the hand surgeon last week but haven't received a response as yet but will let you know. Where do you have your treatment?


I use a local Physiotherapist in Havercroft - near Hemsworth. Has some more Ultrasound yesterday - hopefully it will have a similar - if admittedly weaker - affect as RT!

10/19/2010 10:57


10/19/2010 10:57


Re: Has anyone tried...

Please let us know whether the ultrasound was of any use. I can't imagine what it possibly could help but who knnows. This is a strange disease.



I use a local Physiotherapist in Havercroft - near Hemsworth. Has some more Ultrasound yesterday - hopefully it will have a similar - if admittedly weaker - affect as RT!

10/19/2010 12:35
10/19/2010 12:35
Re: Has anyone tried...

Please let us know whether the ultrasound was of any use. I can't imagine what it possibly could help but who knnows. This is a strange disease.


Hi Wolfgang, yes I agree but worth a shot. I read somewhere it is being used as an 'experimental' method - I'm hoping the radiation therapy situation improves in the UK in the near future!

10/25/2010 01:17
10/25/2010 01:17
Re: Has anyone tried...

Interestingly enough, one of the steps in the Xiaflex trials, prior to FDA approval was , after receiving the injection to massage a hand lotion containing Vit E into the hand.I have no idea why this was part of the trial and why it was just an ordinary skin lotion and not Vit E oil. As far as I'm concerned, it had no effect at all.

10/25/2010 02:58
10/25/2010 02:58

Re: Has anyone tried...

From my experience the ultrasound is just for the Dr to see if the nodules have grown in size. He can get and exact measurement using ultrasound. My last Podiatrists used to use it on my ledderhosen and say afterwards "They are HUGE". My new podiatrist has not seen a reason to ultrasound my feet (probably because you can look right at them they are popping right out, and he can feel them.

When I had the dups dx the ortho Dr did not ultrasound. And he just dismissed me saying go home they probably won't develop any further. And they have, and I will not go back to him.

There was never any converstion that the ultrasound did anything to shrink nodules or cords when it was used on me (just for observation purposes only). You may want to ask your Dr. why he is ultrasounding so much? I don't believe in unecessary testing for myself.


10/25/2010 14:45
10/25/2010 14:45
Re: Has anyone tried...

I have never heard of using ultrasound for DD because ultrasound is for looking at problems you might have in certain areas not to help the problem. I have had plenty in my life for thyroid nodules and it is to see how much they have grown not to make them shrink. I think i would be finding out why are they doing this.

10/27/2010 16:31
joanne H

not registered

10/27/2010 16:31
joanne H

not registered

Re: Has anyone tried...

I have been reading about the correlation between auto immune diseases and a lack of sunlight. My Mother suffered from Psoriasis and later on she had RA - she may have had some Dupuytren's as well although she was never diagnosed. - the only thing that worked for her over the years was getting out into the sun. Her psoriasis would vanish almost immediately. I strongly believe there is a link between lack of sunlight and many auto-immune diseases we have seen upsurges in over the past decades. I read that kids in Lapland have 400% more diabetes than kids at the equator. I even read that when sunlight hits your skin and makes Vit D, it makes it out of cholesterol! I never heard that before. Anyway, it's an easy therapy to experiment with. Don't over-do it though. Supposedly the amount we need for full benefits is only 20-30 minutes a day of strongish sun on 40 % of your body. I know those living in cold climates may have a hard time of this in the winter...

Has anyone tried Vitamin E oil to massage on to the hand, Bromelain anti-inflammatory tablets, Magnesium spray (again to be massed on to the nodule)? I have just been diagnosed and will try anything.

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