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Has either simvastatin or lisinopril been implicated?
01/12/2009 22:03

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01/12/2009 22:03

not registered

Has either simvastatin or lisinopril been implicated?

I started noticing Dupuytren's in both hands several months after starting simvastatin and lisinopril. I have heard that statins (including simvastatin) can be "toxic to connective tissue."
Bubber, age 60.

01/15/2009 19:59
01/15/2009 19:59
Re: Has either simvastatin or lisinopril been implicated?

Statins can damage muscle tissue not connective tissue. Mechanism is undrestood and wouldn't apply to Dupuytren's

lisinopril   statins   implicated   connective   noticing   Dupuytren   several   starting   Mechanism   simvastatin   undrestood   including   started