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Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.
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04/18/2011 07:36
04/18/2011 07:36
Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Hi everyone, I found this forum by searching/trawling through the internet. I must say it is a fantastic resource, which is clearly laid out and very easy to navigate.

I come to this forum having just been diagnosed with Dupuytren in my right hand, I suspect I got it from the intensive manual work I have done renovating a very large house. I have two nodules that have developed since the start of 2011, these are growing and active. The give off a dull ache and at times are a little bit of an irritation. (I know from reading this forum that many have much worse conditions).

I live in France, although I am English, and my one and only visit to the doctor to discuss this problem (a couple of weeks ago) she said straight away that NA was the way to go. So I came away knowing nothing other than this recommendation. However now having found much more information I am going back this afternoon to ask about radiiotherapy.

I have already been in touch with clinics in both the UK and Germany. The UK have quoted me £1750 for the full course, to which I must add travelling costs and accommodation, I am waiting to here back from Germany, and of course I am revisiting my doctor this afternoon to see if radiotherapy is offered in France (although I suspect it is not as I have searched all over the place and cannot find any information about any French clinics).

I think we live in really exciting times, a few years ago people who suffered this disease had very few alternatives except, waiting for surgery. Now there is radiotherapy, NA, Xiapex and then surgery. I would be very happy to hear from anyone who has had radiotherapy, I am wondering if the nodules loose their tenderness and rigidity?

Finally on subject but off subject, I came across this article yesterday, I was most annoyed as it does not explain any of the new procedures for managing this condition. I did write an online comment, but I noticed that it was never added, I suspect to make the article so much more melodramatic, but that is the British press for you!

Interesting comment from John under the article,
"I have had this problem for thirty years, just keep bending the fingers back. DO NOT let them operate".
- John, Australia, 17/4/2011 06:52

Is this possible???

Best wishes to all.

04/18/2011 12:26
04/18/2011 12:26
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Further to my first posting, I have seen the doctor whom to my surprise has referred me to a specialist next week, but there is currently no such treatment in France! So this may be a first, if not I will pop over to the UK or Germany and get this sorted out.

04/18/2011 12:50
04/18/2011 12:50
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Good luck! I agree with you, the forum is a wonderful source for information! I have had DC and LD for 6 years now, with few complications, so far. If I may suggest, since you are newly diagnosed, see what your progression rate will be...it is different for everyone. When I was newly diagnosed..I wanted "it" fixed. I went to all the specialist...thought I could force treatment. All specialists said...wait and see...I am very happy my patience kicked in, because my progression has been slow.. nodules, cords, without finger involvement. The LD is slow progression also. Welcome to the club!

04/18/2011 13:49
04/18/2011 13:49
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Thank you for the fine welcome and good advice.

04/18/2011 19:57


04/18/2011 19:57


Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Welcome fitfeet.

I'm in the UK and have just had the first round of RT in Germany paid privately. I am also working on getting the treatment available on the NHS in my local PCT. This is a challenge as you may expect with the funding cuts and in my case difficulty with the local hospital funding (PFI).

Just curious which clinic quoted you in the UK?

My hand was sore before the RT, and became more sore after the RT, but now it is settling down. It's too early to say if the treatment is working and I return for the second round of RT in June. My German costs with travel, hotel, and fees will come to about €2000 (Euros) probably over.

If your hand is sore it suggests the disease is active and progressing which is when it is ripe for RT.

04/18/2011 20:11
04/18/2011 20:11
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Thanks Spanishbuddha (great name)
The clinic is at Guildford via BMI healthcare. They have been very good so far, excellent communications. I have emailed the German clinic twice, but not received a reply yet, I did telephone them, and the receptionist said someone would get in touch this week. (I actually managed to telephone the German defence ministry first time, the lady did not speak English, but luckily did speak French, I felt a bit of a fool asking about radiotherapy treatment and then being told I was speaking to the ministry of defence for Germany!).
I am keen to get things moving, and not optimistic that the French system can/will help me, I know that the French health system is very very good, so I may yet be surprised, my previous experience of French healthcare was beyond reproach. But I feel I want to get the ball rolling in May or June at the latest, so going private may be the only solution.
How long did it take you to get a reply and appointment from the German clinic?

04/18/2011 20:12
04/18/2011 20:12
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.


Welcome to the forum...you have come to the right place.

You mention that you are newly diagnosed and have nodules that seem active. That is the time for radiation therapy.
You are smart to look into it at this stage and by all means, do NOT wait until you develop cords and eventually contracture of the fingers. Yes....your nodules could be slow in progressing and waiting a bit is no problem, but if you are certain that they are getting bigger or becoming more painful do not hesitate to take measures to stop the progression.

I am not personally familiar with radiation in Germany, but everyone agrees on this forum that Dr. S. in Hamburg is the top authority for radiation therapy. Being in France you are closer than we are here, in the West Coast of the U.S.
I had radiation on my left hand (multiple active nodules) and left foot (Ledderhose....two growing hard nodules) in November 2009. The radiation stopped the progression in hand and foot in the radiated areas. I encourage you to go ahead with radiation if you feel your DD is active.

Keep reading on this Forum and come back with questions...you will get many responses.

Good luck.

04/18/2011 20:15
04/18/2011 20:15
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Thank you Luba.
I certainly am keen to get things moving and your post just adds to my motivation.
Best wishes

04/18/2011 21:08


04/18/2011 21:08


Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

How long did it take you to get a reply and appointment from the German clinic?

I'm not sure if the email for Professor Seegenschmiedt shown on this website is correct. Maybe Wolfgang can comment. In the meantime I will pm you the email I used to communicate with the Professor. He usually responds within 1 or 2 days sometimes maybe up to 4. Also I think an earlier post by Wolfgang said that the Prof is on vacation, so not sure when he's back.

Just remembered I seem to remember someone else from France on these forums who has had RT. Now I'm not sure if he had it done in France, Germany or maybe Switzerland. I tried quickly to find it but couldn't. Might be worth 10 mins of your time.

Edited 04/19/11 00:15

04/19/2011 06:55
04/19/2011 06:55
Re: Hello everyone and a big thank you for this forum.

Once again thank you. I have received an email this morning from Prof. Seegenschmiedt. There are two things that stand out by a long way for me with this gentleman. 1. It is a lot cheaper than treatment in the UK and 2. of course he is one of the pioneers of this treatment (having read the NICE report for the NHS UK).

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accommodation   nodules   Germany   information   diagnosed   radiotherapy   melodramatic   alternatives   Seegenschmiedt   everyone   radiation   Spanishbuddha   progressing   complications   recommendation   communications   progression   treatment   radiiotherapy   appointment