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Help please!
02/24/2014 17:43
02/24/2014 17:43
Help please!

About two years ago I hurt my hands boxing. I figured I tore a tendon or broke a bone. I had one swollen spot on the palm of each hand. I showed a doctor and he said it would probably go away. It didn't. I believe it's multiplied and gotten bigger. I've attached a picture. I have strong pain in both hands. It burns and feels bruised. I am only 30. Im afraid I have Dupuyten's and its progressing rapidly. I am seeing a radiologist wednesday to explore options. Frankly I'm freaking out about this. What's my best treatment to delay this? I'm contemplating steriod injections into the bumps and radiation. What's anyones thoughts? I can't sleep at night because my hands hurt so bad. Could it be anything else? I don't get how the boxing could have triggered it. I never drink or smoke and I'm in good health.

02/24/2014 22:17
02/24/2014 22:17
Re: Help please!

You are a boxer so that explains the trauma. My Dupetryn's Contracture began with a fall about twenty years ago- I landed palms down to break the fall. I had surgery on my left hand in 2010 and can now flatten it to do yoga, but I will probably have Xiaflex injections (wasn't an option when I had surgery) on my right hand.

Get a second opinion.

Have you ever been knocked out or had a seizure disorder that was treated with phenobarbital? The reason I ask is that there is some recent clinical evidence that this drug taken long-term may cause/exacerbate connective tissue problems.

Good luck to you!

02/24/2014 22:30
02/24/2014 22:30
Re: Help please!

I'm not a boxer. I was just boxing with a boxing bag. I guess I was hitting too hard one day.
I haven't taken what you listed. I did take Bactrim for about 5 years though.

02/25/2014 00:58
02/25/2014 00:58
Re: Help please!

I would check with a hand surgeon as well as research this and other DC sites. Some evidence has shown that specific supplements and medications can actually make this condition worse.

02/25/2014 09:31


02/25/2014 09:31


Re: Help please!

About two years ago I hurt my hands boxing. I figured I tore a tendon or broke a bone. I had one swollen spot on the palm of each hand. I showed a doctor and he said it would probably go away. It didn't. I believe it's multiplied and gotten bigger. I've attached a picture. I have strong pain in both hands. It burns and feels bruised. I am only 30. Im afraid I have Dupuyten's and its progressing rapidly. I am seeing a radiologist wednesday to explore options. Frankly I'm freaking out about this. What's my best treatment to delay this? I'm contemplating steriod injections into the bumps and radiation. What's anyones thoughts? I can't sleep at night because my hands hurt so bad. Could it be anything else? I don't get how the boxing could have triggered it. I never drink or smoke and I'm in good health.
Welcome helpme

You need to get a diagnosis first. I'm not sure a radiologist is the best person to diagnosis a hand condition. It looks possibly like DD to me but IANAD and can't tell from a photo anyway. See a doctor or hand specialist or surgeon.

If it is DD you need objective evidence it is progressing, keep a record, weekly or monthly, with photo's and record other symptoms, such as pain, tingles, aches, stiffness, measurement of reach, flexibility, flatness of palm and fingers.

If there are real signs it is progressing you can explore the treatment options, including continuing to wait and do nothing as it may settle. The only effective treatment for early and active DD is RT, and all the info you need for that is on this site.

Best wishes


02/26/2014 01:00
02/26/2014 01:00
Re: Help please!

Hi Helpme-

I completely understand the freaking out reaction as I had the same response as I'm sure many others on the forum have had as well. The best thing you can do is educate yourself about your treatment options and this forum is an excellent resource (assuming you ultimately get a diagnosis of DD). You may find, like myself and others have, that no one specialist including a hand surgeon is fully educated about all of the various treatment options. I strongly advise you to take a very active role in exploring your options. I know at times that can seem scary too but ultimately no one is going to look out for your best interests better than you.

The hand surgeon I went to had never even heard of using RT to treat DD. I found that appalling given that he is supposed to be an expert in the field. If I hadn't found this site and done my own research I would have never know what all of my options were.

If you are interested in RT make sure you get the facts and don't make a decision around whether you get RT based on emotions. I developed DD in both hands and Ledderhose in both feet in a relatively short period of time and am in the process of receiving RT for my hands and feet. My biggest regret is not treating the first hand when I had early signs of the disease as I was frightened by the concept of RT.

You will figure out what is best for you and realize there is a whole community of people here who will do their best to help and support you.

Contracture   diagnosis   ultimately   radiologist   exacerbate   specialist   phenobarbital   triggered   progressing   probably   contemplating   options   measurement   multiplied   flexibility   treatment   injections   interested   supplements   medications