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Help with apparent new case of DD
10/25/2010 01:32
10/25/2010 01:32
Help with apparent new case of DD

Hi all,

As a long time DD patient I'm not really up-to-date on the early stages of the disease. I have three younger brothers and I've often wondered why I'm the only one with DD (there's no history of it at all in our family) since it's supposed to affect males much more frequently than females. The other day I got an email from one of my brother's telling me he'd been diagnosed with frozen shoulder so I guess he's not escaped. I was really sorry to hear that.

Today, my husband came to me and said, " is this lump in my palm what I think it is?" Unfortunately, as far as I could tell, it absolutely looks like DD. There's only one lump in one hand and it seems to have appeared quite rapidly. He does have a family history; his mother had DD but he's a little fuzzy on the onset dates and how extensive it was. So, what I'd like advice on is how soon should he consider RT? I believe I've read that some people develop nodules but that it never progresses beyond that stage. Is this correct? Is there any value in getting it diagnosed by a hand surgeon since he's at the stage where there's nothing to be done?

He's 67 and until 2 years ago didn't drink alcohol and I wonder if that's had any effect on his disease. Personally, althuogh I'm not inclined to stop drinking to prove it, I wonder if my own disease has progressed because I'm not drinking more alcohol. In the past I might have a glass or two of wine once or twice a week but since he started to drink, we sometimes drink a beer or split a bottle of wine 3-4 times a week. Is there any new research on alcohol and it's affect on DD?

Thanks so much for any info you can provide.


10/25/2010 07:26


10/25/2010 07:26


Re: Help with apparent new case of DD

Hi Diane,

there is still little evidence that drinking drives Dupuytren's, rather the newer research seems to indicate no relation at all between drinking and Dupuytren's. Anyway, that doesn't make drinking any healthier but I guess a n occasionally split bottle of beer or wine doesn't do much harm, provided it doesn't grow into bigger volumes.

My first nodule was radiated when it had a diameter of maybe 2 mm, shortly after I detected it. That was 28 years ago and that finger is still straight and fully functional. Personally I believe that the earlier you catch a nodule the better. Of course your husband's nodule has to be confirmed as Dupuytren's. There are many other reasons for nodules in the palm.


11/07/2010 02:32
11/07/2010 02:32

Re: Help with apparent new case of DD

alcoholism and diabetes and also anti-seizure drugs are sited as triggers for DD also trauma to the hand. The only one I had was trauma to the hand. I do not drink at all and if I did I would stop because of that warning.

11/12/2010 07:26
11/12/2010 07:26
Re: Help with apparent new case of DD

alcoholism and diabetes and also anti-seizure drugs are sited as triggers for DD also trauma to the hand. The only one I had was trauma to the hand. I do not drink at all and if I did I would stop because of that warning.

Hi !
I've just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks.

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11/14/2010 06:48
11/14/2010 06:48

Re: Help with apparent new case of DD

Hi Juliew,

Hope things are going better for you. And you have found some answers to your questions.


functional   progresses   diagnosed   up-to-date   Dupuytren   apparent   questions   healthier   occasionally   absolutely   anti-seizure   progressed   alcoholism   acquainted   Personally   frequently   drinking   Unfortunately   alcohol   loonsong