high fat diet |
06/26/2008 06:55
06/26/2008 06:55
high fat diet
Hi, has anyone any information on Dupytren disease being caused by a high fat diet. l have nodules on both hands they started about two years ago, also my older sister has one on of her hands, i`m 57. My wife of the same age was having a check up and showed the doctor a lump on sole of her foot, its a build up of cholesterol the doctor advised and would need keeping an eye on he said,? The other day my wife showed me nodules starting on both of her hands the same as mine almost overnight, l immediately went into internet detective mode and found this site along with numerous others and believe the problem to be the starting of Dupytren constriction on the hands and letterhouse (if thats how its spelt , as soon as i track back l lose the thread) on her foot. as far as l can find out on the net all the usual causes, genetic,medication,etc etc none seem to point to diet, it seems strange that we have both got this problem as l started a low carb high fat diet about five years ago and my wife about two years ago. any advice or info greatly appreciated. regards Alan
06/26/2008 17:09
06/26/2008 17:09
Re: high fat diet
Very high levels of cholestoral can cause plaques called Xanthomas if memory and spelling serve me well. I'm a pediatrician. Those plaques are flat and visable on the skin not under and lumpy like Dupuytren's. They are rare and seen most often in people with inherited disorders of cholerstoral. If suspected an immediate full fasting cholerstrol is indicated.
06/27/2008 07:11
06/27/2008 07:11
Re: high fat diet
Very high levels of cholestoral can cause plaques called Xanthomas if memory and spelling serve me well. I'm a pediatrician. Those plaques are flat and visable on the skin not under and lumpy like Dupuytren's. They are rare and seen most often in people with inherited disorders of cholerstoral. If suspected an immediate full fasting cholerstrol is indicated.
thanks, but l`m almost certain it`s Dupuytren as it is under the skin.