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How can i email Prof S In Germany?!
02/06/2014 00:10
02/06/2014 00:10
How can i email Prof S In Germany?!

How do people get hold od him?!

I read he replies quickly but I've tried 2 email addresses and not had a response in 3 weeks?

Is anyone actively talking to him? Trying to price things up.


02/06/2014 08:00


02/06/2014 08:00


Re: How can i email Prof S In Germany?!

How do people get hold od him?!

I read he replies quickly but I've tried 2 email addresses and not had a response in 3 weeks?

Is anyone actively talking to him? Trying to price things up.

The email listed on this website under Treatment -> Radiotherapy -> Clinics is the one I usually use.

Someone else has said that he is not responding at the moment, so possibly he is on vacation or away, or just overwhelmed. I tend to make my emails, short, factual, specific, with an aspect that needs a response, so not general, chatty, or vague in what is being asked.

02/06/2014 15:18
02/06/2014 15:18
Re: How can i email Prof S In Germany?!

How about trying the main email address for the Strahlenzentrum, Hamburg: info@szha.info

Historic costs: Cost for 2 hands treated 5 days in a row in June 2012 and then again in Sept 2012

991 Euros first visit + 807 Euros second visit = Total 1,438 GBP (at exchange rate in 2012).

In 2012 both Wimbledon and Guildford practices (UK) would have been 3,500 GBP for 2 hands including consultation costs.


02/06/2014 16:53
02/06/2014 16:53
Re: How can i email Prof S In Germany?!

Thanks all for your answers.

He replied actually today, he has indeed been abroad with business, and very overwhelmed!! Great response and lots of info for me though.

Thanks for the prices, 2 hands and 2 feet probably required means Germany must be cheaper!!!!

Thank you all.

overwhelmed   Guildford   Wimbledon   response   responding   practices   required   Treatment   exchange   Germany   Radiotherapy   Strahlenzentrum   Historic   consultation   including   actually   probably   business   addresses   actively