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How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?
08/07/2012 15:25
08/07/2012 15:25
How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?

May be it was removed ,or may be you still have yours....Just something i was looking into

    08/08/2012 06:11
    08/08/2012 06:11

    Re: How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?

    I can't see the link here. I have had DD for nearly 40 year. Appendix removed 12 years ago but brother sister and father all have DD and no appendix issues.

    The statistical links as I understand them are DD, LD, Frozen Shoulder, Diabetes. I have have had LD since my early teens and DD since my early 20's. 5 years ago I had a bought of frozen shoulder (Both shoulders at the same time which I understand is very rare). I have all the markers for type 2 diabetes but don't have it yet. Only a matter of time I suspect.

    Other than curled up hands I am in perfect health. Still play tennis 3 times a week and 2-3 gym sessions per week.

    My view of the world is that DD is the best genetic defect on offer. Sure beats all the other nasties out there.

      08/08/2012 07:19


      08/08/2012 07:19


      Thumbs up

      I like that. Don't let that stupid disease spoil your life!

      My view of the world is that DD is the best genetic defect on offer. Sure beats all the other nasties out there.

      Edited 08/08/12 10:21

        08/08/2012 14:23
        08/08/2012 14:23

        Re: How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?

        I still have my appendix, but what that has to do with my hands I don't know! Although I don't have my tonsils or wisdom teeth!!! As far as I can see mine isn't hereditary either. Neither of my parents have it, Mum is in her 60's and Dad is in his 70's. But after years of typing/writing at work, I've come to the conclusion that I've worn my hands out! I always thought I'd get arthritis but got this weird, pain of disease instead!!
        But Seph and Wach are right...there are worse things out there!

        Take care all!


          08/08/2012 14:34


          08/08/2012 14:34


          Re: How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?

          Anna, wait and see ... my mother developed her first nodule when she was 80. But it also looks like that up to 40% of the elderly people eventually develop some signs of Dupuytren's. So many of us might have it in their genes. But who knows, nobody really understands this disease.


          ... As far as I can see mine isn't hereditary either. Neither of my parents have it, Mum is in her 60's and Dad is in his 70's. ...

            08/08/2012 14:42
            08/08/2012 14:42

            Re: How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?

            Thanks Wolfgang you're right!
            Although my Dad is Italian, is it a common disease there?
            Also my Mum is part German and they visited Germany a month or so ago and none of her relatives had
            heard of it! I got her to ask them as they are the only relatives we have left on her side to ask!
            I shall see what happens in the future!

            Best Wishes

              08/09/2012 13:07
              08/09/2012 13:07
              Re: How many with Dups had their Appendix removed?

              Thanks Anna-glad you still have your appendix.....Mine was removed when i was 7 yrs old....I'm glad this disorder is reversible..It has almost everything to do with bad bacteria in the body,the appendix has a little to do with bacteria...Thanks again & when i put all the pieces together i will share!

                Wolfgang   conclusion   Dupuytren   statistical   Diabetes   developed   relatives   everything   hereditary   shoulders   Anna-glad   removed   understand   disease   Shoulder   arthritis   reversible   eventually   understands   Appendix